External Parasites.


Old Timer
Feb 25, 2005
I believe my corn has external parasites. I have not gotten a pick or a really good look at them because they are very fast. They are jet black and look somewhat like fleas in size and color. But they look kinda like beetles in appearance. I took out the substrate, what else can i do? I'm keeping her at school so i can feed her very regularly so i have to do something about it that is inconspicuous. I found one the the buggers underneath a loose scale, or maybe they chewed it off, i dunno. Its really the only blemish she has. Also, as long as I am asking for help, her cloacal vent or whatever its called (the opening to her butt) isnt exactly clean as a whistle, it has a little bit of krud on it. Should i soak her?


Old Timer
Apr 18, 2004
Parasites are a pain in the a$$. You are going to have to do more then just change the substrate. Everyone has different home remedies, I use NIX. You should be able to purchase it for around 10 bucks, at a local pharmacy. Mix the whole bottle with 4 gallons of DISTILLED water. It is important the water is distilled, or it can destroy the active ingredient in the NIX. Depending on your snake, keep a really close eye on him. I'm a little wary on the solution, just know it has caused death to small weak snakes. While the snake is soaking, use a little of the solution to clean his entire cage. Parasites can live without their host for a while, so I would throw out as much as possible. Then put the bare minimums in the cage. Paper towel, and a box. This makes it easy to see them, I guarantee you'll have to treat a few times. After 20-30 minutes of supervision, take him out of the water, and back into the enclosure. I dont leave a waterdish still in the enclosure while the snake is drying, in fear he'll wash the mixture off. If your corn is still a baby, wash the solution off with new clean water. Keep your eyes on him and repeat treatment in a week.


Old Timer
Feb 25, 2005
She is about 2 ft so she isnt exactly a baby anymore. She eats real well and is active. I am a little wary of using any sort of pesticides, is there any "natural" way to do it without getting involved with them?

Ms. Peaches

Old Timer
Feb 8, 2006
Too treat mites and too keep them away I use Provent A Mite it comes in a spray can and its about 15-20 dollars. It works better then the other products out there. Also while you are cleaning out the cage soak your snake in luke cool water for a while to drown the mites on his body. Clean the cage with a 50/50 water bleach solution make sure you get any cracks and corners. If you have wood products like a hide you can bake it in the over this will kill off what ever is on it. While you are fighting the mites I would use a simple substrate like paper towels since they are white and you can see if there are still mites. Spay the cage pretty well with the Provent a Mite and let it air out before placing the snake back in the cage. I would repeat every thing in about 15 days. I hate mites.

Also I would do this as far away from any Tarantulas or other insect type pets. They are bugs and Provent a Mite will Kill them.


Old Timer
Feb 25, 2005
well, thats no problemo, i only keep her at school. The tarantulas are at home. What kind of risks can the mites cause to the snake? I have read a little about them infecting the blood. She seems in perfect health though, for now at least.


Old Timer
Feb 25, 2005
lil, bit of an update, she shed. Perfectly i might add, everything is intact, the eyecaps look awsome!. So does that get rid of some of the mites just right there?