I think they are a problem in the head of people more than anywere else. For most "honest citizens", roaches are disgusting disease carrying bugs. They won't listen to you if you tell them that a 3" hisser has a far longer generation time than the florida native roach, so that they are less likely to invade a home. For most people bigger=nastier, that's it.Roaches are insects, disgusting, that's it.I tried to find the other post you mentioned... but to no success (I would have liked to see the responses).
I'll just write something here : Exotics are clearly a problem sometimes. FL has native roaches that could probably do great, why not breed them and sell them? I'm sure some would buy them. If the exotics are illegal then even more will buy them! :clap:
I'm not in Florida and don't really know the law there, but I'm pretty sure that if people break the law it's for a reason, and not breaking the law per se; find a lawful alternative for that reason and people will stop breaking the law.
For places more in the north, (take most of Canada for example), then exotic roaches won't survive the winter. Why should they be a problem? :?