Exo Terra Products


Old Timer
Aug 3, 2003
I made this thread so people can post their feedback on Exo Terra Products. Lately, Ive seen a lot of new stuff from pet stores, and I have used a lot of it in my enclosures.

But I have seen a few drawbacks on some of these items, namely, their price. Many products are rather expensive for what they are, but then again, you have to compliment their originality. Also, what is your cosmetic opinion on this stuff? Does it look all that natural, or is their rocklike compound used on many of their products somewhat tacky looking in your terrariums?

There are a few products I would like to buy, one being the Fogger. I dont know much about this thing, and I have no idea if it works efficiently and operates correctly.

Anybody who can provide info on any exo terra product, please post. I think it would be a rather nice thing for all of us to know about this stuff and its ups and downs.


There is a catalog at their website. Most pet shops carry their products now.


Old Timer
Jul 19, 2002
I use a lot of Exo Terra and I'm pretty happy with it.

Although the fogger, from what I hear, is prone to breaking down. I haven't tried it myself, though.

The thing I use most often is their lights. 4 month guaruntee (of 12 hour days. 2 months if you leave them on 24 hours.)

Honestly, I don't think I've had any last the full length..ever. But I do get them to last a month or two, easily. When compared to the Zoo Med lights I was using previously, that's amazing. I was buying a new light every week to two weeks with Zoo Med.

I also ownED their little cricket feeding thing..the rock with the hole. Waste of money, I think. It does its job, but just getting all the crickets in there is such a pain in the butt, you're better off just dropping them all in. Also the crickets seem to enjoy going back in and staying in there until they die.

But I'll agree on the price stuff. Some of it's way too expensive. If you want a waterfall, that's $20 - $30. But if you want it to work, you have to buy the pump for an extra $20. (I think the smallest actually comes with the pump?)

I use their faunariums for my Ts and Scorpions. Having nothing but black tops really makes everything look nicer. And you can't get those from Kritter Keeper, unless you find someone selling the old ones they no longer makes. But I don't think they exist anymore -- Ed bought them all.


Old Timer
Aug 3, 2003
A good place to get their products cheap is www.drsfostersmith.com. The $100-200 orders I place there would cost me 50-100 more at a petco or something like that. I got the waterfall for under $30 with the pump.

I also bought the cricket rock thing and I agree, its not all that great. It serves a decent purpose of getting them all powdered with vitamins, but they come out caked rather than lightly powdered. Now it just sits in a cage as a decoration used as a little sitting rock. Not worth the $10. Id rather have a plain rock for 1-2 bucks.

I use their water dishes, which are fairly priced for their decorative appearance and since they are heavy, and not cheap little plastic bowls.

And the faunariums are what I use the most. Cheaper than KKeepers and no more multicolor lids everywhere. I use pretty much every size of them especially the Large Flat one. Perfect for snakes and lots of inverts too. My flatrock scorpion just ends up climbing on the lid and hanging there for a while.

Ive never tried their lights. I only use T rex active UV heat, which is the most powerful bulb ive ever seen, and 75 watt heat bulbs for my snakes. I also use reptisun 2.0 for amphibians and 5.0 for most repltiles that need a bulb like that.

The T-Rex 75 watt bulbs I use typically last me around a year or or so. As far as im concerned, based on your reports of the exo-terra products, T-Rex lighting is the way to go. No exo terra for bulbs and such.


Old Timer
Aug 16, 2002
Originally posted by Valael
[BHaving nothing but black tops really makes everything look nicer. And you can't get those from Kritter Keeper, unless you find someone selling the old ones they no longer makes. But I don't think they exist anymore -- Ed bought them all. [/B]
heh! I do have a nice stockpile of different sized black topped Kritter Keepers in my garage......like gold........gold I tell ya!


Old Timer
Aug 3, 2003
Originally posted by atavuss
heh! I do have a nice stockpile of different sized black topped Kritter Keepers in my garage......like gold........gold I tell ya!
Heres a good question...

Are Kritter Keepers better than faunariums?


Old Timer
Jul 19, 2002
I think pretty close to the same thing (I have both.)

Over all, I prefer the faunariums. They're easier to close and harder to open (For your stronger animals.) Not a big deal, but yeah, that's probably the only major difference.

Kritter Keepers are also clear. Faunarium tops aren't completely brown, they're more of a really dark grey (You can't really tell unless you have them side by side, though) and they aren't totally clear, more of a light brown.