Not the best pictures sorry crappy cam Happy though this little one finally molted. Looks like it might be male though So I will have to find him a GF sooner or later. Any way here he/she is freshly molted
Atleast a year raised him/her from a spec. Need to get a better cam to see if I can get a decent ventral shot and see what I need . Very good T a little skittish at times but other wise a sweet heart.
Well that would be bad Since i payed the price for 2 and one died on me. I will have better pics up soon. I have a friend that is letting me borrow a camera
I have to agree with Eric about it not being a Eupalaestrus weijenberghi. What it is I do not know. I had an adult female Eupalaestrus weijenberghi
that I traded to someone last year. The common name is something like "Brazilian white collared or banded" because Eupalaestrus weijenberghi
has white bands on it's legs. I dont see any white bands on your T. They are also a smaller T. My adult female topped out at about 3 inches. Sorry.
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