I wish I could help, but E. posticus (no R in posticus, BTW) is one of the few species I cannot seem to breed. They're a great size for tarantulas and have all the attributes of superb feeders, but I have more luck with my in laws! :wall:
I was advised to crank up the heat, so that might be the issue, but I'm in Africa, so how much heat do these lil' buggers need??!
E. posticus is one of the easiest roach species to breed. If you are not having good success at breeding them, there is something way out of focus. They prefer temperatures between 70'F and 85'F naturally. They feed on almost anything, though animal feed or the occasional dead rodent is more akin to what they would eat in nature (in the wild they can be found in caves, often where bats occupy also). They prefer to be humid and slightly dry. If they are very dry or very damp they will reproduce reluctantly.
Mine eat lots of fruit and soem vegetables, but mostly fish food pellets. I also have snakes so they get the occasional dead mouse as well. Temp is average 77'F. They live in bark mulch substrate about 5-6cm deep. For water I wet one end of the substrate occasionally and let it dry, then water again (but rarely the whole tub).
Animal carcasses seem to be key, here. We leave them aprox. 1 adult mouse per month.
We keep ours at room temps; with a very small (hermit crab) heat pad at one end of the 40gallon tank; just below dirt level.
They are given a fresh water supply - but are also allowed a moist patch of dirt at one end, around the water dish. It is regularly dried out completely before re-wetting.
We feed mainly dry dog food and occasional fruits/veggies. Also fish flakes and cichlid bites. I hear Trout pellets are also beneficial and cheaply bought.
We have more positus than we know what to do with now...so the T's will never go hungry. Our Bearded Dragon girlie seems to favor these, as well.
I don't have enough colony members for the rodent meal, as it would stink the place out long before it could be eaten, but I'll get some substrate in there and add a heat pad. Guess E. distanti are the same...??
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