Escaped Crested!! HELP!


Sep 23, 2007
Well, my newly aquired Crested (accordingly named Stubby) has escaped. He has been missing now for almost 48 hours. Because of the fact that he did this while I was sleeping, I have no clue on where he could be! I have completely ransacked my entire house looking for him. At this point in time I am beyond worried that he booked it out the dog door! I feel absolutely horrible for allowing this to happen! :wall:

My question is this ~ Is there somewhere specific that these little guys like to hide & is there any possible way to 'lure' him out of hiding?


P. Novak

Old Timer
Sep 12, 2005
Well Crested Geckos are nocturnal so if you're gonna have any luck finding him it's going to be at night with the lights off. Look up high too, and behind book shelves. At night, just walk around quietly with a flashlight.


Old Timer
Jul 31, 2006
I posted a few tips on finding Stubby in the other thread. I hope you find him. I have found my own escape artist every single time... unscathed. :D


Old Timer
Jul 31, 2007
Novak's right on this one.

Start looking near the cage up high and in tight places. Many times reptiles find a secure spot before they worry about "exploring"/eating/etc. Let us know if you find your gecko.


Sep 23, 2007
We have been keeping them in an old fish tank of mine. Temporarily of course!

So here's what happened ~ When I got home from work the other day, I noticed that their humidity was pushing 80% so in an attempt to lower it a bit, I moved the light that blocked a small opening (maybe 1/4 inch) on the back of the lid. (Hope that makes sense) I ended up getting preoccupied around the house, went to bed & completely spaced out the fact that I had moved the light. I had just come off of 3-15 hour work days (Not fun when you run your own business!) so my bed was calling my name. When I woke up Saturday morning, I went to shut off my porch light, peaking in on my geckos. Thus finding Stubby MIA. I spent about an hour & a half searching high & low, under & on top of things, and everywhere in between. I had to get ready for work so I forced myself to stop looking. Since then I haven't been able to stop looking. At night I've been grabbing the flashlight & combing the entire house.

My fear is that he made a break for our dog door. I highly HIGHLY doubt that any of my dogs ate the poor thing, but there is also the possibilty that one of them picked him up & maybe took him outside. Sounds odd but my dogs are weird like that! So if that's the case, are Cresteds smart enough to find their way back to warmth? The temps have been dropping into the 50's at night here. I know that if he did make it outside, he's a goner for sure. Temps getting lower plus we have hawks that frequent the area.

I just don't know what to do. I feel horrible! It seems that I've tried everything with no luck. I'm starting to stress about it. (Probably too much! I've developed a twitch in my right eye. Weird too but that's what happens when I'm super stressed!) I'm sure that if he's in the house, he'll eventually show up. But then my mind wanders & I debate closing the dog door, if I do that he can't get outside but then what to do about the dogs... I just think too much!!

This is turning out longer than I expected! So I'll boot myself offa here & go look a bit more before Nate gets home!! Thanks you guys for helping!!


Old Timer
Jul 31, 2007
Just thought of this.

I was getting ready for bed and I just thought of something that may help if he is still near his cage. Get a small dish of baby food (peach or apricot were always preferred by mine) and put it out near where he escaped. (Up high so your dogs don't get the bait or the lizard if it comes out). I wouldn't worry about it running out the dog door unless there was a huge space between the flap and the dog door's frame.


Old Timer
Jul 31, 2006
First off... stop panicking. You can find him. One of my males was missing for a couple of weeks (prior to living here and/or in my care... got the story from his previous owner) and he showed up unharmed. He was hungry, though :D

Put out food and water... you never know.. he may drink from a dish. Lay the plastic bags around, so you can hear him hop, walk, etc. ...this is really helpful. Hopefully, your dogs didn't get him and cart him off to another room and you can find him. You'd be very surprised what tiny little dark places they will hide in. Shoes, shoeboxes, clothes' pockets, linens, and so on...

As for his humidity and cooler temps... 80% humidity for a short period of time will not harm him in any way. Just don't mist his viv for a day... giving it time to dry out some. And temps in the 50F's is absolutely fine for evenings. All of my geckos... even the hatchlings.. are dropped a good 10-15 degrees each night, with no ill effects EVER.

When you get a night off, grab a good audio book and a flashlight... find a comfy spot in the room where he disappeared and hang out. Listen to your book.. cuz it's kind of hard on your eyes to read in the dark.... and when you hear the slightest little sound, flip the flashlight on in that direction! Betcha catch a gecko in head... err, flashlight! :D

...and stop panicking. ;)


Sep 23, 2007
Thanks guys! We tried again really late last night & still got nothing. But if it took you a few weeks to find him then I think (hope) we'll be good! Temps went real low last nite & today. It's in the 40's as we speak & it's only 10:30am. :fingers crossed: But thanks again everyone for the help & the ideas!! Nate's taking me up to the mountains today (Estes Park) so I can relax & mellow lol.


Sep 23, 2007

Still no Stubby... Not sure what the chances of finding him are at this point. I'm really thinking he went thru the dog door. There has been zero signs of him anywhere in the whole house. Usually if/when one of Nate's bugs escapes, Mika (The Bug Dog), finds them in no less than a day. Not a peep from her... Lesson learned I guess. Still hope we find him though...


Old Timer
Jul 31, 2006
Don't give up just yet... he could be watching you while you wander around looking for him. :cool: Last time L'il Abner was out, I was busily tearing the room apart and he was sitting on the back side of Lucille and Val's viv, watching me intently... probably giggling. ;P Lucille couldn't hold it though, and gave his hidey spot away {D


Old Timer
Jul 31, 2006
Any sign of Stubby? You can try taunting him... tell him you're going to replace him with a much younger and better looking male to take over his breeding duties with Olive.. He may show up then! {D


Sep 23, 2007
Hahaha! I tried the threat a few days ago then went thru with it on Wednesday! Our new little boy's name is Taz & he's just as gorgeous! It looks like he's a cream tiger/flame but turns a bright yellow when he's fired up.

I still really hope Stubby shows up!! His cage is waiting...



Old Timer
Jul 31, 2006
Oh... he's a pretty boy!! Taz looks a lot like my Lucille :D

I hope Stubby shows up for you, soon. If you plan on any new additions, give me a thought... I have quite a few hatchlings and a couple of adults available. I need to get some new pics up, so I can post them in the "trades".

Congratulations on the new fella! :clap: