Ennoozunu's Picture Thread


Old Timer
Dec 12, 2005
I finally decided to post some pics of my T's.

They are all taken with my 1.3mp camera phone so they arn't the best but they will have to do until I get a better camera in the summer :)

1) 3" A.Seemani - My second T
2) Suppose to be a B. Vagans x Pallium(Even says BPV on the deli container it came in). I suspect it to be a B.Emilia due to the carapace coloring(Happy either way). It was pet store bought.
This pic was taken when I moved it out of the deli container because it just molted week ago(waited a week to move it) and became to big for its container. Molted from 1" to 1.5".
3 & 4) 4" Female G.Rosea - This was the T that started it all. Shes great :)
5) 2" P.Regalis - Had to have one and so far shes(hoping for she) great. It made a burrow near the water dish.
I realize these are one of the harder T's to take care of due to their defensiveness,speed and stronger venom but I think that as long as I respect it and don't do anything silly then I should be fine(I read up a lot on it before getting it).

When I first started with the G.Rosea I thought "One is enough why would anyone need more?". Now I have 4.
You guys where right when saying T's are a very addicting hobby. :)



Old Timer
Dec 12, 2005
Heres my P.Regalis's enclosure/burrow she made.
When they are smaller they tend to burrow instead of living up higher.

Makes for an interesting time filling and cleaning her water dish but I manage.

What I do is I open the right side of the enclosure and using a water dropper to take any dirty water out. Then I use forceps to take any dirt out and then fill it up.

She doesn't mind me doing any of this and I only do it during the day when she is in her burrow(she runs to her burrow when she gets scared anyways so I'm not to worried about her coming out. I don't drop my guard tho just in case :) ).



Old Timer
Dec 12, 2005
1 New addition and a molt

In the last few weeks my P.regalis has molted from 2.5" to 3.5"(roughly) and I also have a new addition, a 2" T.blondi sling.

I'm very excited to get my T.blondi since I've wanted one from the start and very happy to have my P.regalis getting bigger.

Again excuse the quality its taken with my camera phone (getting a new camera in summer. Possibly a Panasonic).

1) P.regalis Post-molt
2) T.blondi 2" (I'm surprised my camera phone got even a half focused pic of something that small.)
3) T.Blondi sling enclosure (Thanks for suggesting the plastic flower pot cut in half MindUtopia )

This hobby is addicting lol


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Old Timer
Dec 12, 2005
Thought I'd post an update.

Heres my new GBB ,a new one of my p.regalis and another of my T.blondi(currently in premoult).

My new GBB is 2.5" currently and is webbing like mad. I'll take a new pic of its enclosure soon to show how much its webbed. To give you an idea all the area around the tiki head and plants its totally webbed and has web tunnels all through it. Its a very entertaining and active T.

All pics of corse again taken with my camera phone.

I also have names for all my t's.

1) G.rosea - Ellie
2) A.seemanni - Genie
3) P.regalis - Aurora
4) B.vagans - Mel
5) T.blondi - Angel
6) C.cyaneopubescens - Bell

I can't believe I already have 6 now.


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