Anyone else have these? I got two females for $15. They are really cute, and I love their quill-things. After handling them with my sister after bringing them home, we decided to name them Vicious and Nibbler The latter gave my finger a little taste, and the other bit my sister so hard she needed a band-aid. I was hoping they would be a little more docile, but I can live with it. The shop still has three males, which my friend might grab. Since they are supposed to have small litters, I was thinking of breeding them. Would anyone in the eastern-MD/delmarva area be interested?
Also, mine are a little fatter than I would like. How can I get them to slim down? ATM, they are eating plain oatmeal, with whatever veggies I can find for treats. I tried feeding them a small cricket today, but I got mixed results. They were very interested in it, but would not do more then lick at it. I dunno where it ran off to. If I got these girls a wheel, would they use it?