does anyone know if the time from breeding to time of egg sac being laid can be shortend. like would power feeding and increased temps, make the eggs be laid sooner? or is it just random?
Well obviously the eggs have a developing period; like humans "average" is 9 months, but babies are born late/early more often than not.
I'd presume increasing heat or humidty or other factors may act as a catalyst and speed the process up, but to what extent I don't know...
Also some spiders depend on 'seasonal' factors; Take the Haplopelma Lividum with the wet season as gravid then a dry season in which the egg is laid, apparently.
With the seasonal aspect in mind, say if the spider ALWAYS laid in July, you could shorten the period down by breeding the spider in March rather than September ;P
Hope that helps, someone will probably give more detailed info too
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