dwarf rabbit questions


Old Timer
Jun 16, 2003
i got some money for xmas so i decided to get a dwarf rabbit. i have no experience with rabbits, and care sheets i've read aren't very in depth as far i can find.

if i get my rabbit out to run around he'll ( i was told its a he, not for sure, i can't see his weiner if i lift him up, i don't know how noticable their genitals are) find some where and poop and pee all over. i've tried to start him litter training this week. will this stop once its used to its litter box?

he kicks litter all over the place, and subsequently all over my room. is that normal? anyway to prevent that?

when i get him out and hold him, even after a few minutes, he'll unleash a stream of urine all over me and the floor. will that stop once he's used to his litter box?

i need to make an enclosure for him to get exercise in, is there a cheap way i could build one that is adequate. are there any type of toys he'd like playing with?

and just if you have any other general tips on care please let me know. i want to do everything i can to make sure my bunny is well taken care of.


Old Timer
Jul 8, 2007
Your best source for rabbit husbandry if you want a friendly, healthy, long-lived pet rabbit (these aren't realistic standards for show/meat rabbits, obviously) would be the House Rabbit Society, hands down. The web-page is very in-depth on a huge range of topics including all the questions you've asked, and should be able to clarify pretty much any confusions or concerns you have. There is a LOT of bad rabbit husbandry info out there from years of considering them a throw-away pet that could be kept in a tiny wire cage on cedar eating nothing but pellets, so this is one of the few organizations I trust as they are true enthusiasts. Link: http://www.rabbit.org/. I think there is info there on cheap DIY enclosures, but if not respond back and I think I might be able to dig up something else. Honestly with my rabbits I just use metal dog playpens; makes a nice big "rabbitat" and they're dirt cheap second hand. And remember in future pet acquisition - research first, buy second ;)
ETA - Oh yeah, if you decide to spay/neuter your rabbit for behavioral or health reasons, look up your local chapter of HRS and they can probably point you towards a proficient rabbit vet. Might be good to have one lined up even if you don't plan on sp/n as they decline FAST when they have health problems and many dog/cat vets are running on little schooling in rabbits.
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Old Timer
Jan 8, 2008
spay/neuter is going to be the first step towards getting him/her litter box trained.
Of my three rabbits, my spayed/neutered pair is perfect in their litter habits, while my intact female doesn't understand the concept at all. With the hormones, even if there are no other bunnies around, they need to mark everything as theirs, by leaving droppings behind, and even spraying.
Finding a good rabbit vet is a must! Rabbits are different than dogs or cats, they are sensitive to certain kinds of anesthesia, and cannot be given antibiotics orally. A vet should know these things. You'll want to find a good vet before any problems arise. Some low cost spay/neuter clinics for dogs and cats may also do rabbits as well, just make sure they have done plenty of them before bringing your bun in.

as for toys, the sky's the limit! I generally look at cat toys and bird toys when shopping for my bunnies. They like stuffed animals, too, just make sure that eyes and things are all embroidered, not plastic, and there are no squeakers. My bunnies like those plastic cage cat balls with bells in them. Toilet paper rolls stuffed with hay are fun. Any small cardboard box I find gets tossed in with the buns, they love throwing them around. Bird toys made from sisal rope, twine, or that woven palm frond stuff are great, too. Anything that is safe to be chewed, because bunnies will chew. I try to avoid colors, because I don't trust the dye, but its not a big deal as long as its non toxic.
Good luck with your bunny!


Old Timer
Jun 8, 2006
Oh yes you will not like bunnies spraying everywhere. The Flemish we had sprayed and pooped EVERYWHERE. I swear to god I still have bunny pee on my ceiling.


Old Timer
Jan 8, 2008
for an exercise pen, you can get these mesh grids you put together for storage, and build a pen with them. Google Neat Idea Cubes, or NIC cages, although I haven't ever seen them sold under that name. Target carries them in the home organization aisle. they come in a few different colors, and are pretty easy to use.