Dude... where is my snake?

Cirith Ungol

Ministry of Fluffy Bunnies
Old Timer
Dec 22, 2004
Well, this is how I "lost" a snake yesterday:

I was doing a long overdue clean up job in my large corn tank. I picked out poo, changed water, did some general cleaning, put one hide outside the tank, then the other hide outside the tank... and no snake! And it wasn't in the climbing tree. Dude...! :eek:

Had it snuck out while I had taken the hides out of the tank? Naaaah! That couldn't be, I only looked away for 10-20 seconds! But - the tank doors don't close entirely. Between one door and the tank wall there is a 5mm gap and if I push I can make the gap open to 1cm. I though - Naaaaaah! It's a full grown corn! It can't get out through a 1cm gap! Much less push it open like that!

So I took one of my long brushes and carefully poked through the substrate. And I poked. And then I poked some more. No snake.

By then I could feel the cold swet. I finished the cleaning job, closed up the tank and took out my flashlight. I thought, if the snake had escaped then my cat would have alarmed me! And it hadn't. But who knows, right? So I looked under one sofa, the other sofa, under the bed, behind the bed, behind the big tank shelf, under the fridge, on top of the fridge, in the bathroom behind the toilet, in the shower, under the aquarium and finally I noticed that the snake could crawl into the closed cupboard under the sink because there is a ventilation hole. I opened up, took all the cardboard boxes out and saw a large hole in the bottom of the cupboard where the pipes go down below the cupboard. I checked with the flashlight and lo and behold - nada. I thought - Naaaaaaah! This can't be true. The snake can't be gone!

I slept with one eye open last night and at one point I noticed my cat half freaked out and investigating a corner with cardboard boxes. I got up, checked it myself... nothing. After that I gave up.

And this morning what do I see? Yes, a perfectly fine snake inside its tank, looking for a good place to lay some eggs. :D Phew!

I have since then made an effort to close the 5mm gap and to block the doors from being pushed open further. I think I would have freaked out if I hadn't seen the snake for a few days. I'd have started looking through the entire flat. For a time there this wasn't very much fun ;)

I can now see her dug down in the substrate, only about 2-3 inches of her tail sticking out. That's probably the only spot I didn't check yesterday...


Old Timer
May 15, 2008
lol good story. ive had three escapes of my corn snake, all three thanks to asking my mum to top the water up when im away sometimes silly woman just leaves door open... wudda thought ud learn the first time? shes kept in the kitchen. the first time she escaped she went missing for six weeks, we one day saw her head sticking out of a hole between floorboards and the wall and so knew where she was, so what i did as leave a heatmat under a box, with a defrosted mouse and a large jumper(this was my idea, as i want allowed to rip the floor boards up:wall: ) then left it over nights, and sure enough she was tucked up in my sweater all warm and cozy and had munched her mouse... we later found a shed skin of hers behind a cupboard.

the second time she went missing two weeks and we found her when she decided to go across the living oom floor one evening.

the third time(which we just found her again about a week ago) she was missing for two weeks again, looked everywhere, tried the heatmat/box/mouse thing no luck... and then one day she was caught trying to sneak back into her cage, she was on top of it trying to get in through the sliding doors. the amazing thing was she returned to the side of the tank which she had escaped from... its 6ftx2ftx2ft and has two sliding doors i still am wondering wether she was just trying to ge back in anyhow or that she remembered which side she escaped from...:)


Oct 9, 2006
I had a boa loose in my house for 6 months and then I found it just in a box looking at me and a big fatter, I guess I have mice....heh

And it isn't a snake but the other day my 3 foot black throat monitor lizard figured out how to get of his cage and I walked into the room and he was just right at my feet giving me and awkward look.

Cirith Ungol

Ministry of Fluffy Bunnies
Old Timer
Dec 22, 2004
Hehe... that's something I never want to experience, having a snake on the run, even if it's only a corn.. ;)