owh...so the newly born dubia roach not same size as ant la?....
so...what is the 'ant size'(sure it's not ant) crawling in my dubia roaches container?..but i can see it has the shape of dubia roach...confusing...too many of them....
thanks guy for all the answer....i think the crawlies with 'size of ant' in my dubia containers is not dubia's baby.....still wondering what t is?.......flea maybe?...but they have the shape of dubia...confusing....
Upload a picture and us fellow Blaptica dubia keepers will help you out for sure. It is hard to guess; what is "ant size" any way? Our common ants in Germany (Lasius niger) measure ~5mm, i guess ants in Malaysia might be bigger and or smaller.
Probably a grain beetle, they are very common in roach cultures as they love to live in the same conditions, and are about "ant sized". Would not worry about it at all- harmless to the roach culture.
On the flip side, they came from somehwere- you might check the flour or rice in your pantry.
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