dry bite?


Old Timer
Jun 5, 2005
just curious, and im new to the wh ole centipede thing.. but is a centipede capable of delivering a dry bite?


Old Timer
Jan 5, 2005
ScorpDemon said:
just curious, and im new to the wh ole centipede thing.. but is a centipede capable of delivering a dry bite?
oh yeah!

so far all of the bites i have received have been dry. that's about ~5 times with S. polymorpha and one time with S. morsitans.

None of the bites pierced my skin... and i'm a mid 20's programmer, so i rather doubt my skin is all that tough =P they ranged from a moderately painful pinching feeling (it was much more "scary" seeing a fold of my flesh in a 5+" polymorphas mouth than painful).

Oh wait, one time i think a 4" polymorpha might have pierced into the meat of my hand... but reaching into a tumbleweed later that day hurt worse =P

But for all that, i have yet to be envenomated... and apparently i hold centipedes more than most =P


Old Timer
Mar 21, 2005
The reason Scorpdemon asked that was that two days ago at 10:30 AM CST I was bitten twice by a large Scolopendra suspinipes. I felt no real serious effects other than the initial pain of the bite, and a few minor aches and pains that came and went as the day went on. I was thinking it was a dry bite since everything I've read on these sounds like the pain would be horrific and that was not the case with me. By the way, Scorpdemon was there when it happened and we were all laughing about trying to herd it back into it's container until I told them it bit me.


Old Timer
Jan 5, 2005
Python said:
The reason Scorpdemon asked that was that two days ago at 10:30 AM CST I was bitten twice by a large Scolopendra suspinipes. I felt no real serious effects other than the initial pain of the bite, and a few minor aches and pains that came and went as the day went on. I was thinking it was a dry bite since everything I've read on these sounds like the pain would be horrific and that was not the case with me. By the way, Scorpdemon was there when it happened and we were all laughing about trying to herd it back into it's container until I told them it bit me.
did it pierce into tissue? like were you bleeding afterwards?

that's scary... but freaking awesome that it didn't sideline you!

also, did you read my Handling Giant Centipedes thread about test-bites?

congratulations on not getting EFFED up!

hey, i have a club... the Dumb As Eff, But Lucky as Heck (not *exactly* what it is actually called) you might one day qualify for membership (i'm the president... obviously =P )


Old Timer
Feb 18, 2003
cacoseraph said:
so far all of the bites i have received have been dry.
mmm,.. so far all of my bites weren't dry :rolleyes:
i had the "dracula-marks" everytime :eek:

i also have 1 litle scare on my arm of a bite that got infected,...
only 0.5 cm orso,... nothing big.

But Yes,... i also experienced some bites that didn't pierced.


Old Timer
Jan 5, 2005
Steven said:
mmm,.. so far all of my bites weren't dry :rolleyes:
i had the "dracula-marks" everytime :eek:

i also have 1 litle scare on my arm of a bite that got infected,...
only 0.5 cm orso,... nothing big.

But Yes,... i also experienced some bites that didn't pierced.
well, i consider a bite "dry" if their is no evidence of venom being pumped through the fangs

i consider it a test-bite if it doesn't pierce the skin.

so dracula marks, to me, would indicate a dry bite... if you didn't get the horrendous pain that envenomation causes.

i would call it a "wet" bite if there are dracula marks, and the horrendous pain of envenomation =P

do you see what i mean?


Old Timer
Mar 21, 2005
Oh it most definitely pierced the skin. In at least two places! Four bleeding holes at least. Not sure about the exact number as I couldn't see it considering the location.Scorpdemon could answer that though. It swelled up pretty good too. It was pretty impressive to start with if not scary. I thought my whole day was going to suck out loud! I was trying to get something out of the container it was shipped in and it just crawled up my arm. I wasn't deliberately trying to handle it.


Old Timer
Jan 5, 2005
Python said:
Oh it most definitely pierced the skin. In at least two places! Four bleeding holes at least. Not sure about the exact number as I couldn't see it considering the location.Scorpdemon could answer that though. It swelled up pretty good too. It was pretty impressive to start with if not scary. I thought my whole day was going to suck out loud! I was trying to get something out of the container it was shipped in and it just crawled up my arm. I wasn't deliberately trying to handle it.
heh, just read your bite report :)

i imagine it got pinched between you and your clothes, and that's what stimulated it to bite.

don't you think of centipedes as slightly less "evil" now?

i mean, she *could* have dosed you with enough venom to pain a god.. but she didn't =P


Old Timer
Mar 21, 2005
I've never thought of animals as evil (except Tokays) I know it only wanted to get away safely, so I let it do just that. It was my fault entirely and I know that. Can't get mad at the little booger for doing the only thing it knows.