Wierd. I wonder if she poops out of both ends ? Have you seen her using both spinnerts? Does she favor one side ? Is it in fact a sexed female? Sorry for all the questions,haha, its just strange!
Tom, I need to take time and observe what she does with the two sets of spinerets... unfortunatly, the only question I can answer is that yes, in fact she is a female, sexed her with a molt.
The male that tries to mate with her is going to die in heaven and confusion lol. That is really cool looking.
And her molts are occurring with out issue obviously?
I could stare at that all day what a trip!
since people seem to like it, I will make this my "official" mutant-oddities thread...
Here is another C. cyaneopubescens. Much less impressive, but still nice... although the more the setae get longer, the less we will see of this I am affraid... I call this one "the eye of the tiger" LOL
And this is one of my "famous" P. murinus with pale eyes. So far, they are not turning out to be as interesting as I was hoping. The rest of the spider looks like a regular P. murinus
That is it so far as most of my other pictures are on my old computer and I did not transfer them as of yet.
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