That's righ the doors to my one of my wooden cages are becoming a pain in the a** to open. You have to lift up and then lock it. Is there any simple solution to making it easier again?
Its hard to tell what exactly is wrong with the door from your intial post. I built cabinets so i figured id try to help anyway. If you think that its just the hinges use can always spray some WD40 or breakfree on them, be carefult of overspray though. I think that maybe humidity inside the cage has caused the sides/door to warp abit causing the hinges to bind-up when opened, To remedy this for a short time you'd just have to take the door/hinges off and re-aligne/install them.
I think we're talking about 2 different things, I'm not sure yet. Ok I'll try to re-explain myself, when I open the doors, the lock is difficult to open and when I go to close the doors I have to push the doors up a little bit to lock it. I have to realign the lock everytime I close the door by pushing up on the door so it can actually be locked. Sorry if I'm confusing any of you. :wall:
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