Don't come to Ohio!


Apr 27, 2012
So recently I was thinking of getting into hots so I wanted to know my states laws... Well let's just say my hopes are crushed. 150$ permit plus 100,000$ liability. Have to succumb to a written exam, must be over 18 and show at least 2 years training. Sigh. I would break like all but one of those. I can take the exam and probably pass (I'm smart for my age. Also safe) but I'm not 18, don't have 100,150$ and don't have two years training :( just stay outa Ohio it sucks here :(

---------- Post added 05-20-2013 at 12:13 AM ----------

Wow... Found the bill that belonged to this tragedy. The dangerous wild animals bill states that if the animal isn't bought by October this year it's illegal. The reason? For those of you that don't know there was this guy who owned a butt load of animals that only zoos should own. Well one day this idiot decides to release all his animals and kill himself. Because of him I may never enjoy hots. At first it wasn't being changed but then some lady who knew nothing about these creatures and our love for the
Decides to start her happy [bad word that will not be said] a petition and got it made illegal. Thanks to you as well! It is going through appeal right now but I believe we need a petition setup for Ohioans who want their rights back. I'm no good at petition making but if someone made me one an endless amount of thanks would go to them
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The Snark

Dumpster Fire of the Gods
Old Timer
Aug 8, 2005
Just shoes to go you, as others have said, get up to date rules, regulations and laws straight from the horses mouth and get it in writing. Nothing like complying to all the known statutes only to have some ranger, game warden or animal control officer zap you telling you the law has changed.


May 28, 2012
While many laws infuriate me when it comes to pet ownership, permits and training for hots do not. It weeds out those impulsively think owning a cobra sounds "cool" from those willing to put the time and effort in to learning proper handling and other precautionary measures.


Dec 10, 2010
While many laws infuriate me when it comes to pet ownership, permits and training for hots do not. It weeds out those impulsively think owning a cobra sounds "cool" from those willing to put the time and effort in to learning proper handling and other precautionary measures.
Agreed. And I do not like the idea of underage people keeping hots as well.

But banning anything outright is a breach of freedom and is unacceptable also.


Apr 27, 2012
I see training as required no matter who you are. Training is the most importent thing available. And it infuriates me just in the sense that a guy releases dangerous animals yet not one of them reptile and see reptiles almost singled out.

---------- Post added 05-20-2013 at 09:06 AM ----------

Also thought id add that I love my animals. I don't own or care for them because I think they are "cool" I do it for my love of them and the hobby. So it infuriated me to see my state has so many new restrictions on my favorite hobby.


Old Timer
Oct 1, 2010
That guy who released his animals, that happened about 40 minutes from my house. As far as owning hots, im not going to get into that part of the discussion though.


Old Timer
Nov 30, 2009
That guy who released his animals, that happened about 40 minutes from my house. As far as owning hots, im not going to get into that part of the discussion though.
+1 I grew up not far from catfishrod, and my dad knew the guy on a first name basis. That is NOT how or why the animals were released, but you're entitled to your opinion.

In addition, Ohio's been getting worse and worse for exotics. Our governors have to be getting paid off by some lobbyists to be pushing these laws year after year for no reason.


Apr 27, 2012
yes and ill admit i dont know the reasoning all i know is he released them killed himself and a soccer mom complained and got them banned for all of us. HSUS is tipping them off. Has to be as there name is on everything. i cant believe they are targeting reptiles :wall: it is going through an appeal and i doubt it will be standing by october :) oh and its not just lobbyists there was a petition by some annoying chick and it had like 150,000 signatures for making exotic animals illegal -___-


Old Timer
May 1, 2004
So recently I was thinking of getting into hots so I wanted to know my states laws... Well let's just say my hopes are crushed. 150$ permit plus 100,000$ liability. Have to succumb to a written exam, must be over 18 and show at least 2 years training. Sigh. I would break like all but one of those. I can take the exam and probably pass (I'm smart for my age. Also safe) but I'm not 18, don't have 100,150$ and don't have two years training :( just stay outa Ohio it sucks here :(

---------- Post added 05-20-2013 at 12:13 AM ----------

Wow... Found the bill that belonged to this tragedy. The dangerous wild animals bill states that if the animal isn't bought by October this year it's illegal. The reason? For those of you that don't know there was this guy who owned a butt load of animals that only zoos should own. Well one day this idiot decides to release all his animals and kill himself. Because of him I may never enjoy hots. At first it wasn't being changed but then some lady who knew nothing about these creatures and our love for the
Decides to start her happy [bad word that will not be said] a petition and got it made illegal. Thanks to you as well! It is going through appeal right now but I believe we need a petition setup for Ohioans who want their rights back. I'm no good at petition making but if someone made me one an endless amount of thanks would go to them
You can't blame this one mentally ill person for accomplishing what HSUS had been already pushing for years before that, and had actually succeeded in doing, temporarily, BEFORE the Zanesville incident! They'd already gotten an exotic animal ban put into place as an "emergency" measure, even though nothing had happened, and the current governor repealed it as unnecessary when he took office. And then, Zanesville happened, and there are still a lot more unanswered questions about that, too. HSUS and PETA NEVER let a tragedy go to waste, be it something like this or a natural disaster like Katrina, and seize on such events as an opportunity to make tons of money AND push through their anti-animal, anti-animal ownership agendas. Before Zanesville, HSUS had been screaming and frothing at the mouth over the governor repealing THEIR law and threatening to take whatever actions were necessary to put it back in place, and you can read into that whatever you wish. These people are led by individuals with no scruples whatsoever, with clear ties to terrorist groups and organized crime, so it would be foolish to think they'd ever take the "high road" on anything. They will stop at nothing to ensure that you, I, and everyone else has to bend to their beliefs.
There has already been a strong move, in court, to rescind the Ohio law, but it was struck down, following a lawsuit by a group of Ohio animal owners, mostly reptile owners. It's hard to compete with HSUS's millions of dollars and stable of attorneys. HSUS is, in fact, unsatisfied with the law because it is not as complete ban as such; they don't want even a liability insurance and permit system in place for those who can afford it, but want an absolute ban on EVERYTHING other than a handful of domesticated animals, and trust me, they are after those, too, through pushing mandatory spay/neuter laws, breeding bans, pet limit laws and a successful public campaign to change the way Americans think about pets and pet breeding altogether. They are seriously going after all animal-related agriculture in your state, too, and have already formed their own "agriculture" board to push though state laws making it more and more difficult for farmers to raise livestock to feed us.

You also need to be aware that it's not just in Ohio, but in many states, where they have either succeeded or are trying to push through anti-animal legislation. Here in SC, one of the last bastions of personal freedom, they have entered a bill to ban ALL non-native animals other than dogs, cats, and a few other domestic pets and livestock, and this includes invertebrates and even reptiles like Ball Pythons! They succeeded on a national level in getting the interstate commerce/travel ban put in place for four species of large constrictors, capitalizing on the Everglades Burmese python situation, and are trying to add ALL members of the Boa and Python families to the Lacey Act. They are on the verge of succeeding in requiring ALL breeders of ALL vertebrate animals, including reptiles, who sell over the phone, internet, out of reptile shows...any place other than their own home, or who have four or more breedable female animals, fall under the auspices of the USDA/APHIS division and meet their strict requirements, including mandatory unannounced inspections, 24/7. Considering that APHIS is headed by a staunch HSUS supporter, and their chief attorney is ALSO an attorney for HSUS and still on THEIR payroll, this should tell you where THIS is leading!



Apr 27, 2012
it just make me mad. mostly sad though. when i started i almost knew one day i might get into hots. then i go and fall in love with little baby hot snakes (they are so cute!) and of course HSUS bends ohio over and screws all the reptile owners and other animal owners. i am contemplating sending an email to ask what the status is on the appeal. if i have to bend heaven and earth i wont stop fighting till something gets accomplished. i just feel violated. you can kill someone with a hammer, but do you see a 150$ hammer liscense with 100,000$ liability? NO! same with cars and even your fists! its just so retarded its not even funny. if they did pull a hammer ban somewhere on some hammer loving forum some guy like me would complain then try with all his will to fix it. singaporesling you got any hots? and yes no one would get bit. i use forceps/hemostats for EVERYTHING i do when it comes to the hot scorps/pedes i got. and yes the pedes are an excuse because they are like little hot snakes with legs and a worse temper! I try and tell people i know and they dont care because "it does not affect me" well yes it does because if it goes on i will be mad! just another rant i guess...


Old Timer
Dec 16, 2006
Okay, can you hook me up with what constitutes a hot species according to the laws? I thought inverts weren't touched! This is BS...

The Snark

Dumpster Fire of the Gods
Old Timer
Aug 8, 2005
Okay, can you hook me up with what constitutes a hot species according to the laws? I thought inverts weren't touched! This is BS...
That is decided both state by state and on a Federal level. IMHO, probably by people similar to the extreme right wing climate change and evolution denier guy that sits on the scientific congressional commitee. You know the type: head up wazoo and lives for telling other people how they should live their life.