Dog whisperer?

Cirith Ungol

Ministry of Fluffy Bunnies
Old Timer
Dec 22, 2004
Seems to 75% more of a people whisperer to me. The dogs just do what dogs do. They just have to be "reminded", but the people - THEY have to learn!

Anyone wanting to comment on the show, the host, the dogs, the problems, anything?


Old Timer
Mar 6, 2006
I think some of what he says has some truth to it. You have to be firm yet loving with your animals...i love when he tells someone to tell their dog no and they whisper out a polite "no" while petting the little guy...ya thts gonna work!

Aunt Ant

Old Timer
Jun 1, 2006
I agree with you Cirith. He trains the people more than the dog. People don't understand the canine mind.
Some of the solutions are so simple like... taking the dog for a walk :eek: I'm amazed how many people don't do that!

Cirith Ungol

Ministry of Fluffy Bunnies
Old Timer
Dec 22, 2004
taking the dog for a walk :eek: I'm amazed how many people don't do that!
Yeah! Absolutely! I'm in shock some times when I hear about someone who'll just take the animal for a quick spin on the parking lot or some such :wall: Also, if you look at how a dog behaves, that'll tell you more about the human behind it than 10 days of conversation will do! :eek:


Old Timer
Oct 22, 2007
The calm asertive thing really works when i like get really frustrated with my dog it dont work but when i come up to her with a im in control aditude it works really good.

Cirith Ungol

Ministry of Fluffy Bunnies
Old Timer
Dec 22, 2004
Watching on and comming across more stuff that irritates me. That's when people say "I've always had a dog!" in conjunction with saying that they don't understand that certain dog they have now.

I myself could say the following: I've always had a drivers license! Though I have hardly an idea of how to drive...

Most people who have dogs and get into some annoying trouble with them should probably get rid of the dog and get a cat instead. It puzzles me why so many people don't realize that. Cat's are what they really need when they want something to baby (eventhough it's behaving a lot less dependant than a dog) and don't want to have to "take care" of it.

I think I've watched 3-4 shows so far and what really struck me is that so far there is only one person who came to the conclusion that they have to work on themselves in order to improve the dogs behaviour! Applayse for that person! :clap: For all the others - go get a cat :rolleyes:


Old Timer
Jun 8, 2005
great thread CU! Of course there will always be those dogs that are i abit more difficult to work with. Cesar seems to have a "gift", I won't deny that. The rules of the "pack" are pretty simple to follow, as long as the dog owners understand them. I'll send him my nutty bichon frise any time and see if he can get him to calm down. C'mon your match!{D {D

Cirith Ungol

Ministry of Fluffy Bunnies
Old Timer
Dec 22, 2004
great thread CU! Of course there will always be those dogs that are i abit more difficult to work with. Cesar seems to have a "gift", I won't deny that. The rules of the "pack" are pretty simple to follow, as long as the dog owners understand them. I'll send him my nutty bichon frise any time and see if he can get him to calm down. C'mon your match!{D {D
So what's up with your dog?

I'm not trying to sound like an expert or anything, with all my comments in this thread. Heck, I've never even owned a dog (which probs says more than the other thing). But I've red up on them a bit more in depth than the normal person would do and I'm looking forward to one day having my own. Ofcourse it's easy to mentally taking care of the problems with dogs/owners when they'er on the other side of a 21in glass "window", but some of the stuff I'm commenting on here are so obvious that I don't think I'm on thin ice. For example: A dog is a dog, not a human :D


Old Timer
Mar 28, 2006
I've actually met Ceasar. He never claims to train dogs. He says he trains people and rehabilitates dogs. He was pretty good saw him work his magic on my theachers German Shepard.


Arachnosupporter +
Aug 15, 2002
I quite like the show and have watched many an episode. I'd say that many of the things he talks about have helped with our dog. That being said, the television show worries me a bit when it comes to the more severe cases. Watching an episode here and there is sort of like watching episodes 3, 9 and 17 in a 20-part series on diffusing land mines. There are some useful tricks and it might actually help you should you need to disarm a land mine ... but it hardly qualifies you to run around diffusing land mines.


Cirith Ungol

Ministry of Fluffy Bunnies
Old Timer
Dec 22, 2004
but it hardly qualifies you to run around diffusing land mines.
I agree. Most oft I find myself left with questions of the "but what would he have done if" kind. Though those questions wouldn't even have been raised if an episode wouldn't have answered another right before it.

My parents dog, which I usually saw on a daily basis for long stretches of the year, would have certainly been able to be influenced greatly by his methods. That dog was half way down the ladder but very stubborn in a way that I never really broke through (partly because of ambition, which I now see I could actually have had).


Arachnosupporter +
Aug 15, 2002
I've watched many episode's and have never thought he was being too rough.
Agreed. If they want to object they can object on the basis that an untrained individual trying to follow in his footsteps might do some real damage -- but I think it is pretty clear he knows what he is doing. For every group of people that rightly objects to the Rodney King beating as police brutality, there is going to be a small (but often vocal) subset that has a fit every time a cop raises their voice.



Old Timer
Jan 5, 2005
good lord

it sounds like they are bitching about an alpha roll? or maybe using a choke collar (which can kill dogs yes... but is an excellent teaching aid).

have those insipid fools never seen dogs PLAY with each other, much less do dominance stuff? dogs are tough. play tough. sometimes a little pat on the nose is not even going to get their attention, much less teach them to not do something

i bet those idiots support 100% BAN on corporal punishement for human children as well.
Last edited:

Cirith Ungol

Ministry of Fluffy Bunnies
Old Timer
Dec 22, 2004
Let's say I've not read the link. Mainly because already some points of the critizism mentioned on wiki peed me off. Like:
Not a 100% quote said:
Critizism: Millan uses "Flooding". "Flooding" is inhumane.
Flooding inhumane? Oh? So? And? Remember, it's not humans we're working with here, it's dogs :wall: It's supposed to be inhumane!! Though not in the way the public thinks.

The critizism mentioned on the site (yes, yes, I know, it's only wiki - still irritates me though!) is regarding all his main types of rehabilitation: Leash training and submission. So what would "you" suggest? Long discussions with your dog? Or... knitting sessions, to releave tention? How about a long term combined K9 & Human leaflet campaign? *Kryten type of excitement*

I think the real problem people have with his dog / people rehabilitation techniques are the following:
- He's a froggin ex-illegal immiagrant from Mexico
- He couldn't even speak english when he came "here" (relative to where "here is" to you)
- He hardly had any money
- Now he is famous, without ever having seriously spent any big bux on studying what he does (like several million)
- He has his own TV show
- He does appearantly better work with ANY type of dog within 5min than any dog trainer who has spent "millions" of dollars getting some over the top education about dog psychology (which references dogs that have never really actually behaved like a dog behaves naturally)

Sooo, yes, him being of inferior race (mexican), illegal scumbag lowlife bum, but knowing better and more about dogs and being x1000 more successfull at rehabilitating them than anyone established within the genre... I can understand how that agitates some people who've always thought very fondly of themselves. I can especially understand the "experts" who suggest euthanasia at the first sign of trouble.


Old Timer
Mar 28, 2006
okay i understand the sarcasm in this and i agree with all this sarcasm except the inferior race thing. Even as sarcasm I find it a bit insulting. Considering I myself am mexican. Just letting you know i know you don't mean any harm.


Curator of glass boxes
Old Timer
Apr 4, 2004
We need an arachnid whisperer on YOUTUBE!!!! There are so many random vids about vids, we need a T series on the "tube".....I've seen all of the current and past whisperers (for sheer comedy) and other than common sense they are are not much more than cons....I wish they had some hidden cameras after the shoot in the "lounge" with em on those reality "skits". Would be much more interesting. Lets do a T whisperer....:D

Cirith Ungol

Ministry of Fluffy Bunnies
Old Timer
Dec 22, 2004
okay i understand the sarcasm in this and i agree with all this sarcasm except the inferior race thing. Even as sarcasm I find it a bit insulting. Considering I myself am mexican. Just letting you know i know you don't mean any harm.
I'm sorry. Yes it was a large dose of sarcasm because I get quite angry at the thought that mexicans seem to have second class status in the US. They're "supposed" to do the dirty work. They're not "supposed" to become rich and famous. So you see, it didn't come from any direction supposed to insult you or any other mexican (including C.M.).