Dog training


Old Timer
Aug 17, 2005
The guy i bought my lab from trains dogs. He was doing this method with someones dog today and i thought it was freaking crazy. The problem was this puppy he was training was biting at people and acting aggressive. He grabbed it by the throat and held it down firmly without choking or hurting it and growled at it and pulled at its lips and stomach. He said it had something to do with how wild dogs show dominance in a pack. He then proceeded to actually bite on the dog, not hurting it but just trying to show his dominance. Well, im sorry, but watching a full grown man growl and chew on a dog is kinda weird... Anyways, after all was said and done the dog gave in to him and actually acted like a totally different animal. Instead of being aggressive it acted very passive.

Well i figured id try this same technique with my puppy because shes been very bitey lately and bullheaded. I tried it and i could not believe the difference in her now! She acts like a totally different dog! They go through 3 stages when you do this, the first they act impatient and scratchy and bitey, the second they act aggressive and want to rip you a new one, the third stage they finally give in and act very passive. I dont know where this guy learned this method but its just absolutely amazing. My dog no longer bites as hard just kinda puts her mouth over you and gently nudges you, and licks a lot. Amazing stuff...


Old Timer
Jun 1, 2006
I've seen that method before. A dog wants to know it's place in the "pack", you have learned to speak dog {D


Old Timer
Oct 15, 2007
Comes naturally to a few of my friends! ;)

I think it is important for similar methods to be employed on the more hyper dogs. It's really unhealthy to treat a dog like a child, I'm glad people are treating dogs like dogs should be treated! :) Good on you Shammer! :)


Old Timer
Apr 6, 2005
You just witnessed the pack leader showing his dominance. I have used similar methods with different results.

I didn't bite the dog but, I do raise my voice in a growling fashion and grabbed the neck using my fingertips to represent teeth of the dominant member/members in the pack. When a puppy/adult dog gets out of line.

Alot of your fighting breeds however might require a stronger will and hand (Non abusive) because when they get pinned they instantly go into fight mode. I usually keep my eyes on the dog's facial expression when doing so. When it starts to show the signs of that mode I yell swifty and effectively and it usually snaps them out of this mode and I proceed until they submit.

Each personality is different and requires different methods which I will be more than happy to help with via PM. I have been dealing with dogs for 12 years and the above methods and others have worked for me.

Dogs are pack animals and you are the supposed to be the pack leader. How you lead is up to you but, keep in mind the dog's welfare when doing it.

Congratulations on your new addition and I hope you'll get pics up soon.



Old Timer
Oct 4, 2005
Yes, I've heard of it and done it. I pretty much have to, I have two male pit bulls. I do obedience with them every day (it helps them remember their place in the pack if they follow your commands daily, plus if they look to you as the person treats and affection come from, they will listen to you much more willingly)
It works very well. I consider it speaking the them in their own language.