i have a 2" crested gecko baby
who is currently being housed in the second biggest exo-terra kritter keeper. he/she has two plants one is a thick bush and the other a thick leafy vine which take up every inch of space it the cage. he has a shallow food dish with his food in it. then a deeper water dish because i found him the other night trying to soak in his little bottle cap of water. i mist every night before i go to bed. he or she seems to be very happy i can hear him juming around every night. and it loves strawberry jelly.and just so everyone doesnt freak out about the whole jelly thing this is how i found out. i was making a pb and j sandwich when i decided to hold the gecko i washed my hands but i guess there was still some jelly on my nail and when i got it out he went crazy for the jelly he licked my nail squeky clean lol. so feed back please!!!!!!