Does anyone want my Texas Rat Snake?


Feb 10, 2006
...or know of anyone who would want him?

he's about 10 years old and is a gorgeous snake...very healthy. i would estimate that he's six and a half feet long.

i might be moving soon and i have 3 snakes in 3 big enclosures and i may have to find homes for all three and i dont know who to give them to.

i'm starting with just this snake for now....i'd like to give him away WITH his tank...its an 85-gallon glass aquarium. good tank but very large and very heavy.

i live in southern CT, if there anyone here from that general area who would want my snake and who would give him a good home. i'm heartbroken about this but i know i cant take my animals with me when i go.

anyone who's interested, please PM me. thanks!