Do you ever forget what your Ts look like?

Rigor Mortis

Nov 7, 2018
Just a silly question spurred by my delight today at seeing my A. chalcodes for the first time in a week. I thought her legs looked awfully paler than the last time I had seen her but of course that's not the case, I had just forgotten after not seeing her all week.

I feel like this especially applies to you fossorial keepers out there, do you ever see your Ts after awhile and go "Oh yeah that's what you look like!"


Spoon feeder
Arachnosupporter +
Oct 26, 2017
If you keep several different kinds of tarantula slings that look very similar to each other, without properly labeling them, as time goes by, it might be very well confusing to tell which one is which.


Dec 25, 2014
Yep, on a regular basis. I do belong to the mighty 'Drunkards Brotherhood' therefore everytime I watch my T's (T's...? Ah, yes) it's always a surprise :)

:kiss: :playful:


Old Timer
Mar 28, 2013
One of the many reasons why I choose to keep the species I do is because how ‘bold’ they are and how they’re pretty much out in the open most of the time. So thankfully I get to see mine most of the time.


Dec 12, 2017
I usually go, omg where is my Pokie at!!! then I see the little sling hiding inside a hole in the bark and my heart goes back to a normal beat rhythm.

All my other Ts are usually visible. The P. rufilata sling likes to hide a lot. Which makes sense as they'd make a tasty treat for a bird or reptile at less than 2 inches DLS. Even other P. rufilata wouldn't hesitate to eat a small P. rufilata sling. The life of a spiderling is dangerous, no wonder even many arboreals burrow as slings.


Oct 18, 2017
I'm not sure. the only ones in question are my E. cyanognathus, but until i see it, i won't know if i remember it right or not...

The only other one would be my A. seemani, but i got to see it once in the last month, so it's still still pretty fresh in my memory. :p


Dec 12, 2017
I'm not sure. the only ones in question are my E. cyanognathus, but until i see it, i won't know if i remember it right or not...

The only other one would be my A. seemani, but i got to see it once in the last month, so it's still still pretty fresh in my memory. :p
Oh yeah, geez I almost forgot my pet hole A. seemanni, but I've been seeing him lately. He has been working on his underground castle so he has been regularly bringing up loads of dirt to put in his water dish!!!!!


Old Timer
Jan 11, 2009
I describe my fossorials like someone describing a person rather vaguely... "She is about yea big, with... brownish? hair and... you know, she has some eyes..." :rofl:


Dec 12, 2017
I describe my fossorials like someone describing a person rather vaguely... "She is about yea big, with... brownish? hair and... you know, she has some eyes..." :rofl:
Too funny, then one day it pops out and you are like oh yeah forgot that H. gigas was kind of reddish.

Really want to try an H. gigas enclosure with a little pond to place rosy red minnows in. Would love to catch one actually in the act fishing. I've seen videos online of them in the water, but it looked like they were startled into the water by their keeper. Just to show they can swim underwater I assume. I'd personally rather catch them doing it naturally at night under red light.


Old Timer
Jan 11, 2009
Have you tried seeing if they will catch fish?
I have not! I read a few different threads about it and it sounds really interesting. Her enclosure doesn't allow for it, though, unless I just put fry into her 2oz condiment cup water bowl lol


Dec 12, 2017
I have not! I read a few different threads about it and it sounds really interesting. Her enclosure doesn't allow for it, though, unless I just put fry into her 2oz condiment cup water bowl lol
I've been thinking of doing an H. gigas enclosure like a simulated river bank. A gentle slope down to a small pond in one side of the cage. With a piece of silicone in plexiglass separating the substrate side from the pond side. With some drift wood going down into the water from the substrate. Add some live pothos plants and some African Violets to add strength to the slope with their fast growing root systems. Small air driven sponge filter to keep the water side mechanically and biologically clean. Then just keep a few rosy red minnows or those plain feeder guppies in the water side for the spider eat at their leisure. Add some LED light strips for red night viewing and white for live plant growth during the day (I use LED light strips in all my enclosures and my live plants are thriving and they give off almost no heat, plus they have a ton of different color settings. I just prefer white for day and red for night).

I think I have been thinking about this H. gigas enclosure idea of mine a bit too much recently. lmao

If you try the fish thing someday let me know. it will be awhile before my Mrs lets me get another T since I snuck in an A. geniculata sling along with the P. rufilata sling I purchased this month. She wasn't too happy when she heard the P. rufilata gets up to 9 inches DLS and the genic gets up to 8 or more inches. :D


Old Timer
Jan 11, 2009
I've been thinking of doing an H. gigas enclosure like a simulated river bank. A gentle slope down to a small pond in one side of the cage. With a piece of silicone in plexiglass separating the substrate side from the pond side. With some drift wood going down into the water from the substrate. Add some live pothos plants and some African Violets to add strength to the slope with their fast growing root systems. Small air driven sponge filter to keep the water side mechanically and biologically clean. Then just keep a few rosy red minnows or those plain feeder guppies in the water side for the spider eat at their leisure. Add some LED light strips for red night viewing and white for live plant growth during the day (I use LED light strips in all my enclosures and my live plants are thriving and they give off almost no heat, plus they have a ton of different color settings. I just prefer white for day and red for night).

I think I have been thinking about this H. gigas enclosure idea of mine a bit too much recently. lmao

If you try the fish thing someday let me know. it will be awhile before my Mrs lets me get another T since I snuck in an A. geniculata sling along with the P. rufilata sling I purchased this month. She wasn't too happy when she heard the P. rufilata gets up to 9 inches DLS and the genic gets up to 8 or more inches. :D
That sounds like an awesome enclosure! I hope you get to build it one day :)

I don't like red lights, but that is just me. If I were to light my enclosures specifically, I would just use white during the day and nothing at night.


Dec 12, 2017
That sounds like an awesome enclosure! I hope you get to build it one day :)

I don't like red lights, but that is just me. If I were to light my enclosures specifically, I would just use white during the day and nothing at night.
I just use red when viewing them, otherwise at night they are off. I like the blue setting but my S. maensis scorpion wouldn't come out, it does only under red. Which sucks, because the blue looks a lot better and is easier to see under.


Feb 2, 2018
Aw, I have so many cuties... so you guess.

Blue angel with yellow leg bands
Black but with orange leg bands... was one thing now i am not.
Grey fuzzy, fuzzy
Black beauty with red but.
Blue Baboons, but monsters need love too
Black and fuzzy, but watch my booty
I grow fast, but my mom still loves my skeletal patts


Dan (Not Even Cool) the Man
Oct 28, 2017
Nah. I’ve never forgotten what my tarantulas look like.