hey u know what, they havn't produce any youngs except infertile egg case for the past 4 months, but after the second day i put in the oak leaf litter, i got 3 batches of nymphs the next morning, the temp is always 85-90 F and pretty humid, so do u think leaf litter works on reproduction issues?
For Hissers, I have found the magical temp to be 85. LOTS of nymphs and less die off. The males dont fight as much if its under 90 and they dont dehydrate as fast and eat the nymphs.
Oranges once a month or so also stimulates babies. Dont know if its a co-incident or if oranges just make the females go into labor, but once or twice a month I throw in an orange and BABIES galore in 2-3 days (Too many oranges and they wont eat them, oddly enough)
Those holes in the sides of your tub..look big. The nymphs are very squishy and can squeeze through places you wouldnt think possible.. Just a note
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