Disabled Spitting spider


Jul 15, 2022
Scytodes longipes

Got this little guy in an order a few weeks ago, unfortunately he molted in transit and it didn't go great. His legs were stuck in his skin, looking like some were already detached. Eventually we stepped in with a wet paintbrush and gently helped ease him out, all said and done he had 5 legs left. I didn't expect much but fast-forward to today and he's still kickin it. I've tried feeding him pinhead crickets but hes just afraid of them. I left their bodies in the enclosure in hopes he might scavenge them but I'm not sure if spitting spiders scavenge. Also I just ordered a fruit fly culture so I can try those maybe. Maybe they need all their legs to effectively hunt? Honestly just don't really know what to do, would love if this little guy could live out an least close to a natural lifespan, any input would be great.