If someone were in the market for either an Emerald Tree Boa, or a Green Tree Python...what are the differences in the two and what should one think of before purchasing each of these...having a hard time deciding.
Well first off im partial to chondros, always been my favorite and probably always will. Both are quite similar in most aspects. ETB's tend to require a longer duration of time to reach sexual maturity (4-5yrsF's 3-4M's), Where as chondros (3-4F's 2.5-3M's). Both have very similar temp/humidity/caging/ requirements, and both species temperments are really dependant on the individual animal. As for breeding my opinion is that Emmies are alittle easier just because you dont have to incubate the egg clutch, both species are not easy snakes to reproduce though.
My vote is U.S.A. C.B. GTP!:clap:
Whichever you decide upon im sure you'll be happy, just make sure its cb.
I am very partial to GTP also. XCHONDROX hit the nail on the head. I used to breed ETB & GTP along with Amazon Tree Boas, and the GTP seems to be a bit more forgiving with humidity. But don't get me wrong it needs to stay pretty high. Also, when breeding GTP's you will notice a much higher variety in coloration when they reach adult size. For example, one of my females is about 6ft and she is turning more and more yellow with each shed still. She is about 5yrs old and is losing all of the normal adult pattern. Really pretty.
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