Gorgeous snake, im looking into getting a Boa too but those seem to cost a ton, most likely Ill just be getting a BCI (plus i heard they are the smallest, at least for a boa heh)
Thank you, Some Boa morphs are really coming down in price but you are right some prices are through the roof.
Island Boas like Hogg Islands stay the smallest. They are BCI as well. Columbians still can get pretty big. I have a 10 foot female BCI (Columbian) but that is a little out of the normal. If you want a BCI that stays within a decent range I would get a male.
Is that a female? I'm assuming Desire is the name - sounds kinda girly, lol. Wow are he markings ever clean! Beautiful colour as well, grats on owning that gem! Are you going to breed her?
Thanks and Yes she is female. I had a naming theme going on in a way with a group of boas I have. Wasn't intended to be girly LOL. She was born in 2004 so she has a ways to go before I attempt to breed her. Maybe 07-08 season.
Nope sorry, It was just a basic one. I also have the 7 deadly sin boas. Well not 7 yet I have Vanity (pride), Envy, Gluttony, Wrath so far. Desire and Envy look pretty similar, so Desire fell into that. I also have albino male boas names Chaos and Payne.
I've seen hogg islands that get 10 ft. The blood lines arent exactly 100% pure so you won't find them really small. Nowadays its not even worth getting an island boa because of the cost. Corn Island Boa's only stay 4-5 ft but you will be spending a HEFTY amount for one.
IMO if you buy a colombian BCI they will stay 7-8 ft and if you really gorge them with food theres been some that have reached 10ft. Most other BCI's stay smaller than this. BCC's are the ones that get over 10 ft.
Ive seen Envy's snake room on another forum just recently. Its nicely setup, infact probably going to be talking to ya about that once mine grows large enough to need a big custom made cage.
I have one female columbian who is about 9.5 - 10 foot. She is not a cross and she sure is not over fed. I never said this was the norm for BCI's. On average Columbian females get 6-8 and males 5-7. There are those that break the normal averages. I have an 8 foot male who I took in as a rescue almost 3 years ago. I also have boas the same age and even siblings who were fed on the same schedule and one grew at a much faster rate then the other.
Here is a link to my snake room. It will actually be redone over the summer and most cages will be replaced.
it's also really hard to tell exactly where the snake came from, which blood lines.. etc.. There will always be the occasional larger or smaller snake. I'm hoping my colombian will actually get 9-10ft because I love the medium/large sized snakes without going burm/retic/anaconda range.
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