Dermestid Beetles-Updates


Old Timer
May 9, 2009
Well it was a rough start on jan 19/2010 but now 5-6 months later from the four i started with i have over 40+ in the enclousre.I also gave quite a few away[around 100] so they are doing grand.Too bad they fly like mad.They have been upgraded to three food dishes[you know those little cups for holding water?Those things.] and they munch it down in about 1 1/2 weeks time they love cat food[thats a treat] and would rather eat 10 pieces of cat food then dog food.They wouldn't bother with the dog food until all the cat food was gone!They also seem to all be in the adult stage with like 9 larvae sounds normal to me.Sometimes i can't find a damn adult and other times its so slow i can't get them to eat 1 food dish full of food in 2-3 weeks! Thats just an update more to come.