DEC officers pull 4 alligators from Peconic River


Mar 28, 2013
They sell dwarf caimans in my area and although I understand that they aren't impossible to keep I really think that people ought to have a permit of some sort. Maybe not something incredibly hard to obtain but enough for people to fully research the caiman they are about to purchase. It's bad enough that dogs,cats and rabbits are all over the shelter in my city I don't think they'd be interested in taking in crocodilians.


Apr 12, 2013
There was a pet shop from my home area, the iron range in Minnesota. That sold American alligators, the dude sold through most his stock of like fourty or fifty before the town found out an freaked out on him lol we don't seem to have many animal laws in mn but the people buying them werent the smartest bulbs.

The Snark

Dumpster Fire of the Gods
Old Timer
Aug 8, 2005
Please allow me to..
3 kinds of people keep animals. 1. "Look at my new ambulatory toy! Whee I'm fantastic!" 2. "I'm gonna go get me some _____(s) hyuck hyuck. Bet they eat dog fuud." And of course 3. Habitat? Check. Environment? Check. Health issues? Check. Animal happiness index? Check. Background research? Check. Okay, I'm ready to keep animal _____."
I divide these three groups into percentages: 49+%, 49+% and .01%.
And it comes as a surprise when it dies or ends up in some river??

Well... there is a 4th type as exemplified in a conversation we had the other day:
'Did you shoo that big whastsit spider out?'
'Uhhh... sort of.'
'What's that mean?'
'I left the door to your sisters room open all day and haven't seen it since'.
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