Dead T


Old Timer
Apr 14, 2003
The 1/4" L.Cristatas that we got yesterday died but The Spiderhouse is going to replace it when we get our next order :)


Old Timer
Apr 16, 2003
I just recently aquired a small cristata(<1/4") also.I thought at times she wasn't going to make it either.She wouldn't eat..stayed in one place.She went quite some time before I could get it to eat.I found just the abdomen of a pinhead cricket squashed well to expose the insides was what got it to eat.I also moved it to the warmest/darkest section of my setup..about 82-84 dgrs.I keep it in a small vial with 1/2" straight moist potting soil.It seems to be doing well now.Active and eating.They're pretty frail at that size,especially after being shipped.Sorry about your loss.I'm sure you'll do well with the next one...peace..


Old Timer
Jan 26, 2003
Sorry about your loss. I thought my cristata was dead too. I hadn't seen it for a couple of weeks, I dug out it's burrow today and out pops a very fat 1/2" cristata.



Old Timer
Jul 18, 2002
ths spiderhouse is not going to replace them until you make another order? doesn't that bind you to ordering from them again? i would ask for replacements immediately, or ask for a refund.


Old Timer
Apr 4, 2003
Krystal, she had at that time already placed another order. Also, the T was alive and well when it arrived. It died the next day, or two days later, so since she was already ordering again, I said I'd send another one to her free of charge.


Old Timer
Jul 18, 2002
thanks for clearing that up, then.

call it a knee-jerk reaction, but receiving a replacement spider with a next order automatically makes me think something is wrong and will not be resolved until the customer buys something else. however, this is not how you are handling the situation as rosehaired had already placed another order with you.

what is the normal protocol if a tarantula dies the same day or even a week later? since it didn't die during shipping, does that mean the customer has to suck it up? this has happened to me a few times before where the tarantula or spiderling i bought died within the week of my receiving it, and each time this happened, i ended up sucking up the loss (which has totaled about $385 within the past year or so). i have been offered discounts on future orders or a freebie spiderling upgrade with my next order, but NEVER a refund. since i have been keeping tarantulas for a while, i am fully competent and knowledgeable about each species i have, and some species i don't, however, even if i didn't know this or research each species so intensely, there is _still_ no possible way i could have killed those particular species of tarantula in less than a week's time due to negligence. one of the tarantulas that i had spent a great deal of money on died quite possibly due to shipping during pre-moult (it moulted two days after i received it, and died three days later in spite of keeping it in an ICU), and the others that died did so one to three days later (i have no idea why this happened, aside from the fact that they were fairly sickly-looking anyway).

i probably should have been more demanding about a refund or some other sort of compensation, however, i wasn't and i ended up loosing almost $400 because of this.

i'm just always on the lookout for people who appear to "settle" just as i have, and i encourage them NOT to allow themselves to be ripped off for the eventual $400 loss.
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