darn guinea pigs ... lol


Old Timer
Jul 3, 2004
ok, i have two guinea pigs (one per kid). i got them as babies from somebody one craigslist (i rather adopt, then do the pet shop route). they are in the same cage and get along there just fine, they get along sitting together on the couch or on the kids.... but.... if i have the smaller one on me, and you put the other one on me...oy, she will get mad!
they both do the purring and rumbling and are happy go lucky.
to go to the kitchen you have to pass the cage, the kids can go and those critters make no peep... but when I go? wheak..wheak...wheak... mom is getting into stuff!! darn tattle tales!
an mini (the smaller one) from day one she wanted to be inside the shirt. is that normal? she will nip and scratch on the collar till she manages to get in, then she will sit and sometimes stick her head out and if anybody tries to look at her or get her out she will litterly stomp her feet, have a little hissy then settle back down if left alone.

anybody else have guinea pigs or other critters that think they are kids or have little habits?

oh, it isn't cold plus they have long hair... she shouldn't be cold


Old Timer
Jan 9, 2010
I used to have guinea pigs several years ago and they were great fun, but messy. More so than my rats,even. I hand built them one of the cavy cages you've probably heard about with two full levels. I sometimes wish I still had some but I have too many pets as it is now;)

IMO rats are the best,though;just like little dogs:)


Old Timer
Jul 3, 2004
i know, i want a rat again. a dumbo rat, hooded. had a few years ago, but they are a bit faster than my guineas. and with my kids pulling the critters out of the cage all day... yeah. every time i turn around the guineas are sitting on the couch. they don't even run around, darn critters want to sit on you and get petted.
and a rat.... yeah... they be running a bit to fast, but in a few years maby.


Old Timer
Jan 2, 2010
I used to have 3 guinea pigs with my ex's. After our 4 years relationship ended she gave away 2 of them because she couldn't keep them at her place. But the youngest one I kept and refused to give that one up. Even though my allergy always act up around Nibble (That it's name) for the next year and a half I took care of it on top of all my scorpions and schoolworks. When she passed away last summer, I was pretty sad. :( It's hard to say goodbye to something that grew on you.


Old Timer
Jun 8, 2006
I rescued two female pigs. Patches, the first one I had gotten, had kidney and thyroid problems so she was incredibly fat and would drink about 24oz of water a day on her own. The vet said there wasn't really much we could do for her. She still lived to be 5 years old though. She was very talkative and friendly. Loved having her chin scratched. The second one I had gotten was going blind and was a younger peruvian female. She was much shyer than Patches. She was only with me for 6 months though before Patches died. I wasn't planning on getting anymore pigs so I gave her to someone that had several females that would help the Christian (named after a cashier that had the same hairstyle and coloring lol) get around the cage as she lost her sight.