darn all animal haters


Old Timer
Nov 25, 2007
I just saw the most cruelest, depressing videos on fur farms, I cant believe this stuff is legal. Now I have second thoughts on buying animal products especially fur coats. This doesn't mean Im going vegetarian. But these people are so sick and cruel, I got so sad watching this video.

Did i mention this stuff is legal?!?!

Very Graphic, so dont watch if you are sensitive about this subject.
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Old Timer
Dec 26, 2007
that video was posted last week i think , its disgusting . Those people should be skinned alive to see how it feels :evil:


Old Timer
Sep 10, 2007
that is freaking terriable what there doing!!!.. i hunt and all that but what they were doing was just wrong!


Old Timer
Jun 4, 2006
Yeah theres another huge thread on this.

It's wrong,wrong,wrong!

I actually wish Youtube would ban it just cause if some people watch it (like older/younger kids who dont realize what the video is about beforehand) they will need serious counseling!

I know it got my stomach turning!

Mushroom Spore

Old Timer
Oct 14, 2005
Is this the video of animals being skinned alive? I suggest everyone read Cheshire's posts in the other thread, BECAUSE THIS WAS PROBABLY STAGED.

There was evidence such as the other dead animals clearly having been killed cleanly and neatly, and the sheer impracticality of trying to get a nice fur off a squirming animal that's bleeding all over your product, instead of getting it done in half the time by killing it first. As much as everyone wants a chance to scream OMG SADISTS DOING IT JUST TO BE EVIL, time is money and so is their product. They're not going to waste time and mess up their product because they'd rather wring their hands and cackle while torturing the poor widdle aminals on camera.

EDIT: http://brianoconnor.typepad.com/animal_crackers/2005/06/peta_corrupting.html has a thorough analysis of how completely unrealistic the video is. Also the "skinned alive" video does appear to be tied to PETA, which just upps the odds of being staged to get us all worked up at the Evil Sadists Torturing Fluffy.
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Old Timer
Apr 19, 2006
My husband has been to China, saw HORRIBLE things, though not this in particular. I have no trouble believing it is NOT staged.

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Old Timer
Jun 4, 2006

I dont care if it was staged or not that just makes whoever did this even more of a freakin psycho! People like that shouldnt be allowed to walk the streets along with all the other killers in this world like those who kill other people....

Mushroom Spore

Old Timer
Oct 14, 2005
I dont care if it was staged or not that just makes whoever did this even more of a freakin psycho!
The important part is to know who put this video out - if it IS staged propoganda by fringe Animal Rights like PETA, then people accusing the fur industry of the practices shown into the video only benefits whoever paid to have this staged in the first place.

I'm not interested in letting the REAL reason for this video, whoever they really are, get what they want. So I continue to do my best to keep a level head and do my research, and I think all of you should too.

In this day and age, anyone can stage anything and say someone else did it. Never blindly accept things like this at face value. Now, if actual proof does arise that yes, this is common practice (if you read the article I posted, it isn't), I'll gladly accept that and get mad with the rest of you. But there is no proof, and plenty of proof otherwise.


Old Timer
Nov 25, 2007
Even if this was staged, there is no doubt that things like this happen. And I dont know what you mean by the video being staged? The entire thing cant be fake, i know i saw dogs being skinned alive


Old Timer
Apr 19, 2006
Ah yes, the US Fur Commission is who I would trust to give me the word on what is really going on. :rolleyes: The fur industry is at least a million dollar industry. Do you think they want that to end? They are, of course, going to issue a statement in an attempt to mollify those who may be concerned about the animals' suffering. The US gov't isn't going to be worried about them either - they receive money from taxes and import fees.

I would be very wary of believing either PETA or the anti-PETA people. They all have their agendas. Unless you have first hand knowledge it is impossible to say what is really happening. But I have no doubt it COULD be happening on a regular basis. Animals are viewed differently over there than here. Regardless, the animal being skinned at the beginning of the video is clearly alive and suffering. I did not watch past that, it made me sick to my stomach.

Admittedly WHY they would do it puzzles me. An animal that is alive is going to struggle more and bleed more on the pelts. Though, I really didn't see too much blood being spilled from the one that was alive. It may be a matter of laziness. They quickly stun the animals, if they don't die, so what, just keep going, kinda assembly line style. At the very beginning they do show them beating them on the ground and such.

Mushroom Spore

Old Timer
Oct 14, 2005
Even if this was staged, there is no doubt that things like this happen.
Not in the fur industry they don't. Again, I suggest this article http://brianoconnor.typepad.com/animal_crackers/2005/06/peta_corrupting.html or Cheshire's posts in the other thread. If skinning animals alive was standard practice, they'd ruin most of their merchandise and waste a lot of time with wiggling animals better spent on moving on to the next carcass to be skinned.

And I dont know what you mean by the video being staged? The entire thing cant be fake, i know i saw dogs being skinned alive
Yes, they are being skinned alive. "Staged" in this case means that somebody handed over some money, or stepped in themselves (notice how the article describes people in the wrong clothes for the job who clearly have no clue what they're doing), in order to make this video and claim this is what the evil fur people are up to!!1

For instance: While the moving animal is covered in blood, showing its heart was pumping during the process, the animals beneath it are clean, as they would be if skinned while dead, which, of course, is the standard, normal procedure and the ONLY acceptable one by humane standards.

But I have no doubt it COULD be happening on a regular basis. Animals are viewed differently over there than here.

Admittedly WHY they would do it puzzles me. An animal that is alive is going to struggle more and bleed more on the pelts.
Exactly. I'm not saying they're merciful out of the goodness of their hearts, but ACTUALLY doing this as standard practice is going to hurt their own wallets when it comes to damaged furs and wasted time. Why would they do this, unless you genuinely believe the whole industry just gets off on that sort of thing?

Mushroom Spore

Old Timer
Oct 14, 2005
Thanks for that, tough guy.

Can we PLEASE keep some cool heads here? Especially if we're being manipulated by staged propaganda anyway. Typing death threats on an internet forum isn't going to help anything, even if by some unlikely chance it's real.


Old Timer
Dec 15, 2003
I have read Cheshire's post on the other thread, and there also should have been a better warning before someone watches that video. As for whether or not it is being staged, that video alone might have been, but It wouldn't shock me if they actually did that at some fur farms. If it is staged its just as horrible as if it wasn't staged because either way a living animal was skinned alive. :mad: .

it's amazing what terrible things people can do, but unless our entire country stops fur imports there really isn't anything complaining will do, but like many have mentioned it doesn't hurt to try.

Mushroom Spore

Old Timer
Oct 14, 2005
It wouldn't shock me if they actually did that at some fur farms.
It would shock me, because it means they don't care about their profits.

If it is staged its just as horrible as if it wasn't staged because either way a living animal was skinned alive. :mad:
It's important to be angry at the right people for this, is the point I'm trying to make. If it's staged, don't talk about destroying the fur industry or whatever, because that's what the kind of people who would purposely arrange a propaganda film along these lines would WANT you to do.

I absolutely despise with every fiber of my being the extremists that make the rest of us look bad. PETA I am looking right at you people.


Old Timer
Dec 15, 2003
you know what, I retract my statement, just did more research, it's most likely staged.

and I am really very much not a fan of PETA ...


Old Timer
Mar 3, 2006
yeah i didn't particularly like what i saw and it was only for a few seconds....i suggest you post a warning, as its quite disturbing...people tend to be more outlandish when the prospect of filming is present...soo i would have to agree with joe on the staging...


Old Timer
Nov 25, 2007
i suggest you post a warning, as its quite disturbing
I thought i posted a warning :?
Their are many good points why this was staged, i read that article) but why would they want to stage the fur farm industry? "IF" they are not doing anything wrong, then whats the point of making false videos about them?
I kind of expected brenden to come storming in eventually:p
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Mushroom Spore

Old Timer
Oct 14, 2005
why would they want to stage the fur farm industry? "IF" they are not doing anything wrong, then whats the point of making false videos about them?
Because FUR IS MURDER!!1 essentially. The idea is that, if the fur industry becomes associated with pointless levels of outlandish torture in the public consciousness, people who would not be bothered by normal fur-farming will join the protests or something.

PETA is the same organization that does things like this: http://www.dogpolitics.com/my_weblog/2007/01/peta_is_dead_me.html

They apparently have a goal of no one anywhere owning pets ("total animal liberation"). PETA seeks "total animal liberation," according to its president and co-founder, Ingrid Newkirk. That means no meat or dairy, of course; but it also means no aquariums, no circuses, no hunting or fishing, no fur or leather, and no medical research using animals. PETA is even opposed to the use of seeing-eye dogs.

Extremist tactics. Gotta love 'em.

EDIT: An article that expands on the whole "no pets" thing. http://www.associatedcontent.com/article/282260/peta_when_animal_rights_becomes_terrorism.html