:D New Arrivals!!! :D (+Pics)

Steve Calceatum

Old Timer
May 22, 2009
What a morning!!! 6 new T's came from www.tarantulainc.com today. Took about a fun-filled hour to unpack. I ordered an Avic avic, H. mac, LP, OBT, P. regalis, and a S. calceatum. The Avic is the largest at about 4"+, and looks to be a female!!! I'll definately confirm it with a molt, but I'm holding onto hope, so I named her "Eva." I tried to handle her, but she kept giving me threat-displays. Poor little girl's been through alot in the last couple of days, so I don't blame her one bit. Maybe in a few days, once she's settled in. Since she ended up being much bigger than expected, so the enclosure I had set up has now become her temporary enclosure until I can get a 5-gallon arboreal setup going.

The S. cal is off the hook!!!! 2.5" of speed and hatred. Fastest thing I've seen yet!!! Ventrally, it looks to be a female as well....so I appropriately named her "Lilith." She actually scares the crap out of me, and I definately respect the hell out of her...but God, she's so beautiful!!!!! I've never seen anything so jaw-dropping at that small of a size.

Unwrapping a 1.5" p*ssed-off Pokie is a fun ordeal. I actually had an easier time with the S. cal, believe it or not. The damn thing attacked anything and everything used to get it unwrapped, and once in, it flew laps around the enclosure for a few minutes. Good times!!! The 1/2" OBT and 3/4" LP were pretty compliant, and settled right in. The OBT had a fit about it at first, but didn't give me any grief...just ran a lap or two, and settled down real quick.

The H. mac, unfortunately, was a hell of alot smaller than expected (got a 1/4" - 1/3" sling instead of the 1/2"-1" I had ordered :( ), but is every bit as fast and feistey as they come. This is the only one I wasn't able to get pics of.

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Old Timer
Aug 2, 2009
congrats on the new Ts. Great choices!!! I'm hoping to pick up a P. regalis, an OBT,maybe a LP if my dad doesn't care about size, and possibly a MF A. avic soon here pretty soon. I've heard S. cals and H. macs are pretty awesome, but I think I'll have my hands full with the OBT :rolleyes:

that Avic is just gorgeous btw.

Steve Calceatum

Old Timer
May 22, 2009
congrats on the new Ts. Great choices!!! I'm hoping to pick up a P. regalis, an OBT,maybe a LP if my dad doesn't care about size, and possibly a MF A. avic soon here pretty soon. I've heard S. cals and H. macs are pretty awesome, but I think I'll have my hands full with the OBT :rolleyes:

that Avic is just gorgeous btw.
OBT slings really aren't that much of a handful. From what I understand it's when Baboons get older that they start showing "personality." Even the H. mac sling wasn't near as high-strung as the S. cal. And yeah, the Avic is a real doll. Doesn't really want to be handled yet (just tried a few minutes ago), but she's such a sweetheart...and really beautiful. The pics do not do her any justice.

I second that. The lighting you used captured the natural colours very nicely.
Thanks. It wasn't much, but my camera was dying, so I did what I could in a short hurry. Camera + flash, and a ISO setting of 1600, and covered half of the flash with my finger. Pray to God it comes out alright, and auto-adjust levels, contrast, and color in photoshop.


Old Timer
Aug 2, 2009
OBT slings really aren't that much of a handful. From what I understand it's when Baboons get older that they start showing "personality." Even the H. mac sling wasn't near as high-strung as the S. cal. And yeah, the Avic is a real doll. Doesn't really want to be handled yet (just tried a few minutes ago), but she's such a sweetheart...and really beautiful. The pics do not do her any justice.
Thats probably true, maybe I'll pick up an H. mac too, they're unbelievably beautiful. I've acctually never handled either of my Ts. My B. smithi kicks hairs if I try and my MM A. avicularia, though generally very calm, just won't climb up on to my hand, no matter how much might try to nudge him forward. Have you ever had to drag a dog by the collar or leash to get them inside, its like that.{D

Steve Calceatum

Old Timer
May 22, 2009
Heh, my new Avic avic has some aversion to handling as well. Avics (if not, most arboreals) have chemoreceptors in their feet, and don't particularly care for the taste of human skin. Although, I did force the issue this morning, and handled her briefly. Since she's a WC Avic, I'm taking things slow by letting her crawl around, and "taste" my hand. She did 110% better than yesterday's unpacking, and last night's jaunt around my bed. {D

Also, I finally got a pic of my little H. mac, that I've affectionately nicknamed "Micro" LOL. This thing was smaller than my versicolor when I first got her, and way more high-strung!!!
Photo of the tiny H. mac:


Old Timer
Aug 2, 2009
Heh, my new Avic avic has some aversion to handling as well. Avics (if not, most arboreals) have chemoreceptors in their feet, and don't particularly care for the taste of human skin. Although, I did force the issue this morning, and handled her briefly. Since she's a WC Avic, I'm taking things slow by letting her crawl around, and "taste" my hand. She did 110% better than yesterday's unpacking, and last night's jaunt around my bed. {D

Also, I finally got a pic of my little H. mac, that I've affectionately nicknamed "Micro" LOL. This thing was smaller than my versicolor when I first got her, and way more high-strung!!!
Photo of the tiny H. mac:
i don't know weather mine was wild caught or not, I got him at a petstore so I have a feeling he probably was, and he's gone through a lot of stresses since I got him, so that could add to it. Maybe I'll try again in the future, but I'm not one to push it, I don't want to get bit {D

dang he's so small, and so cute!!! Micro, thats a good name, very suiting.

Steve Calceatum

Old Timer
May 22, 2009
Could also call it "Nanobite!!!" {D

Stress has a huge factor in handling. If your T is stressed all the time, you and your T won't have all that much fun. It'll be scrambling to find a spot where it can feel safe, and you'll be scrambling to do just the opposite (from said T's perspective) in order to keep it safe. I just rarely disturb my T's any more than necessary, and have been learning about how often I can get away with disturbing them for my own purposes. Give it some time and patience...keep trying. Don't force the issue, but DO NOT react suddenly to the T either. Be calm and confident while making deliberate movements and just let the T do it's thing. Avics are easy....just try doing this with a Psalmo or a Pokie. {D


Old Timer
Aug 2, 2009
"Nanobite" I love it. {D I'm so naming my future (hopefully near future :cool: ) LP sling, if you don't mind. it'll start out true at least LOL :D than its just sarcastic.

I've done what I can to keep his life stress free, just had a couple of incidents. First with mold than with what I thought were mites, but turned out to be springtails. So he's been rehoused a few times. But he seems pretty happy right now, joyfully making a sperm web in his KK, he's so cute. {D

Steve Calceatum

Old Timer
May 22, 2009
Awww.....lil spidey is havin som fun for himself!!! {D Yeah, go ahead and use the name your LP. That would be so ironically fitting!!!

The kind of stress on our Avic you speak of shouldn't be a factor. It's probably now because he's a MM, that you have trouble handling him. I've had a few problems with my rosie's enclosure, not the least of which is a recurring collembola (springtail) infestation, and not had much difficulty handling her. I believe she's WC too, but I can handle her all the time, stress or not. Once she figures out that it's me getting her out, she actually welcomes it (she's sitting next to me on the bed right now). If spydies could feel emotion, I'd say we love each other to death!! LOL


Old Timer
Aug 2, 2009
Ya, seeing him do that is so fascinating, the first time I saw him do it, I was startled, I had no idea WHAT he was doing.

cool, thanks, it's going to be the best LP name ever. :D

Ah, I see. ya that could be it. I still haven't been able to decided whats causing him not to eat, the stress, or the MM. haha, thats cute. Maybe its just the individuals I'm picking, :rolleyes: that awesome beginner docile B. smithi that I was suppose to get kicks hair like crazy and bolts if that doesn't work. {D