Whilst digging in the woods during a trail maintenance exercise, I unfortunately extracted what I now assume to be a Ravine Trapdoor Spider...I can only imagine this lass was none to pleased to be displaced in such an undiginified manner (i.e. via shovel)...However, she was unscathed physically - just a little lethargic (I would be too I suppose under the circumstances)...At first, I was blown away by her appearance, given my VERY limited knowledge of arachnids...Having lived in North Carolina (Raleigh) most of my life, and spending a lot of time outdoors, I couldn't believe I'd never run across such a specimen...Seen some Star Jones (pre-diet) sized female wolf spiders with larvae in tow in the NC mountains, but never such a primitive looking spider...And she is a beaut - glossy black cephlathorax and legs, plus VERY functional chelicerae (which she prominantly displayed when I herded on to my shovel; and wow - they were curved inward just like a 'T')...Soft, grayish abadomen...Easily discernable eyes...Just a gorgeous arachnid - and quite large too...So I carefully transported her back to me car and took her by the NC Museum of Natural HIstory...The staff there were understandbly excited to see her, and actually took awhile to make a positive ID...At the time, I didn't think Traps lived in the Southeast, and were mainly a western US/arid environment denizen...Finally, a biologist informed me that it was a ravine trap, and though not common - are obviously around...We just rarely see them given their nocturnal nature and where they live (i.e. in burrows)...
So now for my question - anyone know how these guys do in captivity...I left the spider with the museum staff, but told them I'd like to have her back and release her if they don't do well in cages...They of course told me they'd check on that and let me know. Anyway, I wanted to check for myself...Hate to see that lovely gal in bad place...Thanks in advance...
So now for my question - anyone know how these guys do in captivity...I left the spider with the museum staff, but told them I'd like to have her back and release her if they don't do well in cages...They of course told me they'd check on that and let me know. Anyway, I wanted to check for myself...Hate to see that lovely gal in bad place...Thanks in advance...