Curious about Eresus


Sep 3, 2022
I’ve been debating the last couple days to expand my collection to more than just my T’s. I have one regal jumper, but the rest are all ow or nw tarantulas. I have been doing some digging on Eresus varieties, and I have to say I may be borderline obsessed. Any general info I should know before moving further? Any specific types I should keep my eye out for, and also anyone have any reputable places I could acquire one that can be trusted. Looking forward to chatting! Thanks in advance.


Arachnosupporter +
Mar 5, 2021
I keep sp cinnaberinus, sp blue and the orange and red ring walckenaeri, I keep them all dry feed them twice a week fruit flys then as they grew mini mealworms and they thrive like that. I set up a dry enclosure with alot of leaf litter dry moss, they tend to web their leftovers into the web to so there is no removing it without destroying the web. My vivs 20220903_130827.jpg 20220903_130821.jpg Cruellas viv n the new viv she will go into today 😊
But once they have grown from the 0.5cm sling to an adult and you can actually see them 20220903_094655(0).jpg
they are gorgeous 😍 this is Cruella my sp cinnaberinus she's 16mm dls took a year to get there from 3mm and she is super cute and now a full adult female 😊
I can't help you with sellers as I live in the UK not USA but I can say imo they are worth the time and I recommend them to anyone. Any more questions just ask 😊 GL n I hope you do take the plunge n add some to your collection you won't regret it 😉