How do i best keep crix alive....etc. housing/food/temps,/humidity and the like? Mine keep dying before they can fullfill theyr purpose:wall: :wall: :wall:
Keep them well ventilated, feed them fresh fruit and a bit of ground up dry dog food, room temps work for me, make sure they are well hydrated, change the fruit every other day, get some egg cartons for them to hide around in...
Hey there! Just some advice from a cricket supplier that informed me! I buy 1000 at a time. I only lose about 20% in a month. Like was said earlier. keep them well ventilated in a cool area (basement, cellar) Have fresh water available at "all" times. Yes they do drink...a lot! Nix on the fruit or veggies. While this seems like a good thing, fruit and veggies give the crix diarreah (spelling?)which then attracts harmful bacteria. Stick with dry cricket food such as Monster diet for crix. Dry food is available at any pet store. If you are in a pinch, dry oatmeal works well. It sounds funny, but take care of your crix like you would your T. It doesn't do any good to feed your T's sick crix! Try this, you'll see the difference!
Ok so I used to go fishing with my dad alot and we would feed our crickets potatoes pieces, we kept a good 200 alive with with that for about a month. then again they were just bait.
I offer water via Q-tips or rolled up paper towel in a cap of some type. I have had great success w/ that. I also feed them some green, cubed stuff from the pet shop. They love it. It is obvious from there green abdomen's.
I was getting massive mortality rates with my crickets back when I started buying them in quantities of over 100 at a time... like 50% dead in a month. At the time I was feeding them carrots and sometimes fruit combined with that expensive gel-water product for hydration. After buying a large bearded dragon two years ago, I switched to feeding all of my crickets a gutload formula from the pet store and simply filling a large shallow bottle cap with water for them to drink. The crickets are thriving now. I am also aware that there is an ongoing debate about the benefits/drawbacks of gutloading crickets because of the effect excess calcium has on Tarantulas. All I can say about the issue is that it has been two years now and my collection of T's has shown no negative responses to eating gutloaded crickets so I plan to continue. Its just easier than maintaining one batch of crickets for my T's a certain way, and another a different way for my beardie.
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