cresty conundrum


Old Timer
Jan 8, 2008
pardon my alliteration.

I used to have two adorable crested geckos, one male, one female. I had introduced them three months ago. I had been expecting the female to start laying eggs a month ago, but got nothing. I never saw the two mate. The male had some deformities due to improper nutrition from his previous life in the pet store. I was thinking maybe the deformity was preventing him from being able to mate.

Anyways, the male died suddenly about a week ago, due to a rectal prolapse. It was all very sad, watching him die while there was nothing to be done about it (he died while we were discussing our options).

Since then, the female hadn't been as active as she normally was. Today I found her dead, but with no apparent cause.

needless to say, we will not be obtaining any new cresties for a very long time. Its just been a painful week for us (we also lost one of our oldest snakes, from old age). Still, it would be nice to know what happened. They had a nice big enclosure to hop around in, were being fed crested gecko diet with a few crickets every now and then, and seemed to be doing very well until very recently. Heck, the male was being very active just two days before he died.

we did notice that before he died, the female was sitting close by, just staring at him. While I have observed several small mammals, and birds, go through a period of depression while mourning the loss of a partner, I highly doubt that was the case here, as I haven't heard of that type of emotion in reptiles. My sister chooses to believe it was something along those lines, because she doesn't think we will ever really know anyways.

Anyways, I just thought I'd share these recent events, and see if anyone might have any ideas on what could have caused these deaths so close to each other.


Arachnosupporter +
Mar 30, 2008
I am sorry to hear that :(

R.I.P. to your little ones and I have seen prolapse and responded to it in a thread quite some time ago. The prolapse is usually due to 2 main reasons. 1. The gecko ate substrate that was too large and therefore could not pass and or digest the substrate causing impaction resulting in prolapse. 2. The gecko had internal parasites. I often speak to many individuals who let me know what a deal they got at a local pet store and that is great if they are healthy. However, & unfotunatly I get a lot of calls or pm's asking why this beautiful cheap crestie died suddenly after purchase. We know the answer is often they are not housed well, fed well, and or cared for well. I don't know the exact condition of your geckos past and I could be totally wrong, but when you mention "some deformities due to improper nutrition" it would lead me to believe he had parasites and gave it to the female and although she did not prolapse she died as well.

Sorry for your loss,


Old Timer
Jan 8, 2008
we got the male back in december, so we had him for over six months. we got the female later, and they were introduced three months ago.

how long does it normally take for parasites to kill a crestie? that seems like it might be the most probable cause, but i'm not sure if the timeline fits..

and thanks for the input!


Arachnosupporter +
Mar 30, 2008

I have seen death spread rapidly especially at some of the locals. It sounds more than probable knowing they were also introduced and in direct contact & the time line is more than long enough. Sorry again for your loss:(