Crested Gecko Care


Apr 24, 2008
I'm wanting to get one but I have no idea how to start its home, or how to care for one, need as much info that you can give me.

Meaningless End

Old Timer
Oct 9, 2006
well if you google crested gecko care then you will get allot of info..

to syplify things give them olts of room to climb and lots of foilage to hide in. use either coco husk or peet moss for the beding.. keep them prity hummid misting them once a day. they rairly will drink from a watter dish so making sure they have water droplets to drink is important.

food.. crickets and baby food is realy the way to go. they love mango and peach... make sure your suplimenting there food a few times a week..

they do well in the mid to low 70's so usually no heating is required depending on how cold your house is...

breeding is easy.. females lay 2 eggs every month for about 8 months out of the year..

Mushroom Spore

Old Timer
Oct 14, 2005
food.. crickets and baby food is realy the way to go. they love mango and peach...
Actually, baby food is generally said to be too high in sugar to be properly healthy - and it's balanced nutritionally for an infant human, not a fruit-eating gecko. And some geckos will get addicted to it and refuse to take healthier foods; we have a thread around here somewhere right now where a board member can't get his gecko to eat if he tries to cut back on the baby food.



Old Timer
Jul 31, 2006
Baby food is like giving your Crested candy or ice cream at every meal.. and crickets are disgusting, vile little beasts that have very little nutritious value in comparison to gutloaded tropical roaches, phoenix worms, or silkworms.

I've kept and bred Cresteds for a few years now, and the whole gang gets Repashy's Superfoods 2 Part CGD (it's a base and about 12 or more different choices of "nectars" or flavors). With this diet, you don't even have to feed insects.. it's a completely nutritious diet! You can also eliminate the "nectars" part and just add fresh, organic, pureed tropical fruits (papaya, mango, berries, apricots, banana occasionally, pear, figs, etc.), but you will need to adjust the supplements when adding fresh. And of course, you can still feed bugs to hatchlings and juveniles, or even adults, if you just want to boost or entertain them :)

MushroomSpore added a link.. and I will, as well....

Pangea's Resources Page
Pangea's Products Page

..and no, I don't get anything from Matt for recommending his site or his products ...but the info he's provided over the years has been extremely helpful to me and my Cresteds, so I pass it on when I have the oppurtunity.

Good luck with your first Crested! They are as addictive as T's and everything else :D

Meaningless End

Old Timer
Oct 9, 2006
crickets are gross but... good luck getting your cresteds to eat worms.. none of mine would ever do it. allot of people say things about baby food not being good and i couldent realy tell you one thing or another.. all i know is what works for me. iv hatched out about 30 healthy baby cresteds from healthy adults...

they ate baby food twice a week and crickets three times a week.. and never had a problom.


Apr 24, 2008
thanks for input i know the pet store I usualy go to make their own special food for them and it does involve baby food but he said it will be fine as long as you mix in the nutrients they need and i believe it comes in a powder form. im not sure i will have to go ask him again because there was a big list of stuff they mix together. Also what size tank should I keep them in? i would like to have 2 is it ok to put 2 together?


Apr 24, 2008
sorry no need to be rude..I dont have a fast enough computer to load two pages at once. I just like peoples opinions..thats why theres a board am I right?