Couple new additions


Old Timer
Jan 21, 2008
I got a couple new T's in yesterday from Ken the bug guy. One is a 1 inch H. Lividum sling who is so far playing the role of the rare arboreal Cobalt Blue. :D I'm sure it will settle in eventually and even figure out that there is a started burrow for it if it wants (or that it can easily dig and make its own.

My good macro camera is on the fritz, so until its fixed I have fuzzy pics, but here is a picture of the little guy hanging out at the top of a silk leaf:

The other T is one of the "Unknown Tarantulas" that Ken was selling. He had a few that were unlabeled and not easily identifiable, so rather than spend alot of time and effort IDing them he was selling them for $15 each. Great deal, not sure if he has any left but worth checking if you like a mystery. He said most were at least 1 inch, but some were closer to 4 inches...apparently I got one of those! Bigger than I was expecting, and labeled "Unknown, will bite!" {D I was very much hoping to get a picture of this guy to see if anyone here could shed some light on an ID, but I didn't have the camera charged last night, and by this morning it had webbed itself up into the hide I improvised for it...

I tried to 'candle' it in its hide, and managed to get a silhouette of it, but nothing useful...

Not sure if I can give a useful description, I only briefly got a look at it last night. Very very dark brown, nearly black, with faint stripes down the legs. No long hairs along the body or abdomen, I suspect OW species, sat with its front half in the water bowl for a while last night (thats all that fits in the deli cup), diving its whole front half in a couple times. Seems to be pretty happy with the damp substrate (not web, but not bone dry - since I'm not sure what would be best), because it hasn't tried to climb away from it at all. Looks like its probably a terrestrial or burrower. Thats about all I have for a description so far - I'm hoping it will come out again at night at some point so I can get some picture of it, my description is probably good for bunches of species! {D Still, a mystery is fun. And now almost the same size as my rosie (my biggest T) too! I need to get a slightly bigger cage for it, but I'm hoping to ID it first so I can set it up in a way that is appropriate for the species, but I think its enclosure should work for now.

Still, always fun to get new Ts, hopefully I can get some pics of the mystery T soon! :)

c'est ma

Old Timer
Sep 17, 2006
Wow, "mystery T's." Now that I've learned of that possibility, I can't stop thinking how much fun that could be! I'm really looking forward to your pics--not that I know a thing about ID'ing, mind you.

Looks like a cute little sling, too. :) Speaking of which, can you tell me when they stop being "slings" and start being "juvies?" When they get their adult coloring?



Old Timer
Jul 20, 2008
Keep us updated as I was curious as to who bought these mystery slings and what kind of T's they actually were. Was it in pre-molt and webbed itself in there, or do you think that is what that species does? Just curious. Thanks for posting.


Old Timer
Jan 21, 2008
Yeah, I couldn't resist the temptation to get one of these, it seemed like way too much fun. The listing was here:
But the link comes to not found now, so I'm guessing he's sold them all.

I don't know if its getting ready to molt or not, but I think it may just be a behavior of the species. Last night it opened a hole in the webbing and came out - I got a few pics but I don't think any will be super useful for IDing yet. It is a very skittish T (and a bit thin, I'm going to try putting a roach in tonight for it to see if it will eat), and dives into its hide if it senses any movement in the room. Makes it hard to get some pictures. As of this morning it had sealed up the hole in the hide doorway again. Also ripped up one of the silk leaves and layed it on the ground in front of the door! {D

The red light I have for viewing needed to be turned off - took over the coloring of this picture...

Nice dark T, big too, one of the 4 inch ones I think!

Back in the hide. While you can't see much of it, I really like this picture anyways. The legs look so velvety soft...

I'm hoping to get some dorsal shots of the T to get an ID. Definitely could use a larger enclosure, the kritter keeper I had handy was an 8"x6"x6", and this guy seems to be at least 4" LS already...though it does spend at least half its time in the hide, so its not critical I guess. But if it gets bigger anytime soon its just going to be too cramped in there. Need to get some pictures to use for ID though so I know if it needs a burrowing enclosure or just a terrestrial one...its fun to catch it out though! :D