There's also rubber boas, and kenyan sand boas - but ONLY MALE sand boas, the females get too say a cornsnake would need atleast a 29 gallon tank! not many snakes would be happy in a 10 gallon...except maybe a brown decays snake.....
They CANNOT fit in a 20L! Just because it can cram itself in it does not mean it should live in it. Cramped spaces (as well as huge spaces) cause undue stress on the animal and illnesses can spread like a wildfire.if you already have a 10 gallon, and plan on getting a hatchling, it would be okay as long as you know you have to upgrade to at least a 20 Long as the snake grows. They aren't huge snakes, but they do grow, and a 10 gallon would be awfully cramped for an adult.