My big girl is not boring. She will stand her ground at times when changing water dish. The only problem is she loves to web the water dish and it leaches all the water out.
Funny you mention the price tag making a tarantula boring. I somewhat agree. There are some "cheap" T's out there that I would think would be much more popular if they were priced higher. Prime example: A. geniculata. Most BIG T's like L. parahybana and T. blondi are plain in coloration, but A. geniculata is the perfect blend of color scheme and size.
Sorry guys, big curly hair fan here. I have two slings and love them and am currently "spidersitting" a friends older adult female curly. If my two little ones get half as beautiful as that one I will be thrilled!!!!!! But then again, I'm strange. I don't think G. roseas are boring or pet rocks either. That is why I have 3.
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