I just rescued 2 rose hair tarantulas and an emperor scorpion, and I have a leopard gecko. Slowly learning about the care of all. I've been reading up on roach colonies here and thought it might be a good idea... I understand how to feed and water them, and I understand that they need a heat source (heat pad, lamp, or ceramic lamp). I've decided Blaptica Dubia roaches would be the best option for me. My questions:
1. It sounds like some of you recommend against a roach colony for just 3-4 critters. If I keep the temps around 80 (after getting the colony established) will they reproduce slowly enough that I'm not "wasting" them?
2. I don't know yet if the gecko will eat them - he doesn't eat crickets well - too fast for him - sounds like Blaptica dubia roaches are slower than some roaches, but maybe not slow enough... Any thoughts on that?
3. I'm confused about the needed housing / substrate (or lack of)... Should I use a rubbermaid container (what size), aquarium, or something else? Some recommended no substrate and a wire mesh floor to let the poop fall through into an aluminum baking pan for easy cleaning (where would I find something that would work for that?), Others recommend substrate (coconut fiber okay?) and either cleaning it occasionally or not cleaning it at all (nymphs eat the poop?)... I need more guidance on this...
4. I thought it needs to be humid for the roaches, right? What's the best way to do that and avoid mold? Mist whatever container they're in daily? Are there better ways? Or is it okay if it stays relatively dry?
5. Will starting with 10 or 20 roaches be enough (cheaper) or do I need to start with 50? I was looking at them here:
Are there other places I should consider (maybe cheaper)?
I've only had these guys for a short period, but enjoying them so far. They're all in separate aquariums of course, but I was wondering if any critters can be mixed - centipedes, millipedes, praying mantis, tarantulas, scorpions, or others... Any that would get along together and be in the right habitats (particularly that would go with the scorpion / tarantulas I already have)? Thanks in advance for your help,
1. It sounds like some of you recommend against a roach colony for just 3-4 critters. If I keep the temps around 80 (after getting the colony established) will they reproduce slowly enough that I'm not "wasting" them?
2. I don't know yet if the gecko will eat them - he doesn't eat crickets well - too fast for him - sounds like Blaptica dubia roaches are slower than some roaches, but maybe not slow enough... Any thoughts on that?
3. I'm confused about the needed housing / substrate (or lack of)... Should I use a rubbermaid container (what size), aquarium, or something else? Some recommended no substrate and a wire mesh floor to let the poop fall through into an aluminum baking pan for easy cleaning (where would I find something that would work for that?), Others recommend substrate (coconut fiber okay?) and either cleaning it occasionally or not cleaning it at all (nymphs eat the poop?)... I need more guidance on this...
4. I thought it needs to be humid for the roaches, right? What's the best way to do that and avoid mold? Mist whatever container they're in daily? Are there better ways? Or is it okay if it stays relatively dry?
5. Will starting with 10 or 20 roaches be enough (cheaper) or do I need to start with 50? I was looking at them here:
Are there other places I should consider (maybe cheaper)?
I've only had these guys for a short period, but enjoying them so far. They're all in separate aquariums of course, but I was wondering if any critters can be mixed - centipedes, millipedes, praying mantis, tarantulas, scorpions, or others... Any that would get along together and be in the right habitats (particularly that would go with the scorpion / tarantulas I already have)? Thanks in advance for your help,