Considering buying my first pet, Ethmostigmus trigonopodus


Mar 31, 2016
I have never owned a pet, and I am very interested in the Ethmostigmus Trigonopodus. I have done some research on them but I am having a hard time finding some important information. The one thing I am having the hardest time finding is eating habits. I know what they do eat but I cant find how often they eat. Any information would be useful! Thanks!


Aug 7, 2015
I have posted responses to this exact question numerous times but it's sometimes hard to dig through all those old threads looking for info. First off if this is your first pet, good choice! Now their care is a bit more complicated then some but still super easy.

Feeding: babies and sub adults can be fed till they won't eat anymore, the more the eat the bigger they'll get! Now with full grown adults I feed them about once to three times a week depending on the size and type of pry item given. Keep an eye on their sides, they shouldn't be super skinny but shouldn't look like a sausage either, right in the middle.

Substrate: I use roughly 30% coco fiber 30% wood chips and 40% sand about 4" deep for burrowing because this species loves doing so. Add a large flat rock as well. Slightly damp under the rock at all times is ideal not super moist or wet because they are prone to a form of Mycosis I have found. Mist heavily once a week or every 2 weeks depending on how humid it is where you live. A water dish should be offered as well as some sphagnum moss, I actually rip it up and mix it in the substrate, helps hold tunnels they make up.

Temperature: 65F-75F is pretty ideal year round, the hotter you keep the, the faster they will grow and die so keep that in mind.

Lighting: they hate light, keep them away from window seals, bright lamps ect. A dim led in the enclosure on during the day is ok though.

Behavior: These centipedes tend to be on the extremely docile side and are relatively easy to work with. I have personally held dozens of separate specimens and have never been envenomated or even gotten close to such. I'm not suggesting handling but if you desire too this is a good species to do so with. They really like their space though and are only communal if you have a massive enclosure (300+ gallon tank) with lots of hides, logs, rocks and over a foot deep substrate for burrowing. So basically as a rule just alway house individually or they WILL eat each other.

Venom potency: Very weak, much like a Rhysida Longipes from what I have read and been told so no worse then a bee sting maxxxx maybe not even that bad.

Size: These are a small centipede growing to a true max body length (measured correctly) of 5" but 3.5"-4" is the norm. Now a really rare variant that comes out of Kenya called the "True Blue" Ethmostigmus reaches 6"-7" but good luck finding one.

Life span: With proper care they will live 5-7 years from birth to death but I have been told some centipedes make it to 10+ years, I personally have not confirmed this though. Most Ethmostigmus are sold as adults though so only expect 2-3 years.

Hope this helps, let me know if you have any other questions.


Mar 2, 2016
Good. I have actually been keeping giant centipedes since I was 5 years old (no joke), but I had never been able to get my hands on these (rubripes) yet. I'm happy now though, I'm getting 5 youngsters tomorrow!