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- May 17, 2003
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Here are the two bespined critters that came home with me. The first is a stunning Western coachwhip (Masticophis flagellum testaceus) we found in northern NM. This is the first wild coachwhip I've seen, and it was extremely lucky that I managed to get hold of it. The speed of these things has to be seen to be appreciated. It started out at rest not 2 feet from me with no awareness that I was there (I teased it out of a rodent burrow by pouring water into it; I was surprised it worked. It wasn't so much coming out of the burrow to get away from the water as it was coming out to enjoy the rain: slow and cobra-like.). When I lunged at it I missed it by at least a foot, and it still had three feet of body in the hole when it made a break for it. I ended up climbing 12 feet into a tree to catch it. The really amazing thing is that it's as tame as a corn snake; I was expecting to be lacerated within a second of grabbing it. It stayed in the "staredown" pose it's in in the photo for a good 5 minutes. Oh, the snake is the red thing. The hairy thing is my fellow road tripper, who was not captured in a tree but rather in a net after being spat forth from a thermal vent in Star Vallety Wyoming in the mid 1800's.
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