Conditions Which Could Possibly Be Misdiagnosed as the Bite of L. reclusa


Old Timer
Dec 22, 2006
Great page, all doctors should be required to read it. It proves once again what I have been saying all along, although not too often here.


Old Timer
Jun 8, 2006
Ive been picking away at a Loxosceles info page ...primary focus on Loxosceles in captivity, but I only got the intro info/link part done. Check it out me if there is anything that you think should be added.

Heres the sister article of the one above...
Myth of the Brown Recluse

A few more interesting reads...
Weaving a Web of Controversy
How To Give A Spider A Bad Name
An Approach to Spider Bites: Erroneous Attribution of Dermonecrotic Lesions to Brown Recluse or Hobo Spider Bites in Canada

Future killers! :D


Old Timer
Jul 7, 2005
Yeah...I'll be figuring out a way to test out the brown recluse bites here soon. Turns out, there's someone attempting to come up with a study right now. I happen to live in a state where *real* bites have been documented, so I think I could help him out. I'm actually devising my own experiment which I'll execute when I have the opportunity. Of course...this would be when I have time, which is soley a hypothetical thing right now ;)

Just a side on the ISU campus, there is a building which has a population of L. reclusa measured in the many of thousands. There has never been a recorded bite.


May 3, 2007
Sorry for the longish post...

All I know about Loxosceles Reclusa is that after almost a year of living with them, capturing, experimenting and reading up on them, I'm not even close to being as paranoid as I was when I first ID'd them.

When I first moved into this house there were tons of easy entry points for them to keep coming in.
Those are now mostly blocked off.
After the ID, I did a good search and molts were found in every room and in spots a 1st time home owner might not expect.

Including the glueboards in my home, I'm guessing at least 50-60+ (various sizes) were found in a 6 month period.
This worried me because they were seen climbing up walls when lights were on, and in areas that I used daily.
I hated that I kept finding some every week.

Now, when I do get back into the paranoid mindset I think back on when I first moved in here.
The first week or two I slept on the floor...
The next month or so after that, I had slept with my new mattress crammed in the corner with both sides touching the wall.
If I was going to be bitten, imo that would have been the time.

My only worry is that I did get sick for two days around that time but I don't recall having any kind of bite marks on me or reactions on my skin so I just blame food poisoning.
The two neighbors I've talked to also find them in their house but had no bites.

I'm not even close to being as knowledgeable as some of you are about these spiders but if I, thousands of others, and a family who catches 2000 of them in their home can be there with ZERO bites....there's obviously way too many misdiagnoses going around.

I hope your page ends up at the top in search results Buthus .
Great job :clap: