once upon a time i didnt know any better and bought a bunch of differnt species of frogs. i kept them all in a 55 gallon and they all surprisingly did well. i had green tree frogs, cubans, barking tree frogs, fire bellies and a bunch more i cant really remember as i was very young. i added a leopard frog and it ate almost all of the other frogs reletively quick. i didnt realize what was happening they slowly started dissapearing and the leopard grew and grew. that frog lived for about 5-6 years after that.... in short ide say they may do ok if there the same size but most people dont recomend mixing differnt species period
i keep a community tank at the zoo i work for with i grat tree frog, two pickeral frogs, two green frogs, and one toad. they all do pretty well togther as long as there is plenty of food and no one can fit down the others throat.
For most frogs and toads, anything that fits in their mouth is fair game for food. So keeping such a tank is always a risk, but I haven't had any problems keeping similar sized frogs together. Green trees, grey trees, barking frogs, and so forth.
One thing to also consider about mixing species of amphibians is their skin secretions. They often contain various toxins, and its hard to say how that would affect other animals in the same vivarium sharing the same water supply.
According to most things I've read, Leopard frogs can and will eat any other frog they are put in with once they can fit them in their mouth. I almost mixed in a Leopard frog with some Greys Tree Frogs until I read about that...Hope that helps.
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