Columbian Redtail Boa ??s


Old Timer
Jun 6, 2005
I was wondering if anyone on here has kept a Colombian Redtail Boa, and if so, any tips that can be given on proper care. I am seriously considering getting one that I have fallen in love with over a matter of months. I work at a pet store and normally don't get attached to any animal there, but she has been there since she was about 8" (she is around 20"-24" now) and I have always been fond of her over every other snake we've had pass through. She is handled with regularity and is pretty easygoing. I am aware of the size that these animals reach, and feel that before I decide to go all the way and get her, I need to know as much as possible. I am researching on CRBs, but I figure any first hand experience and advice is going to be very useful and will be greatly appreciated. A few of my concerns are:

1- She is only about 2' now, but when she is larger, if kept in a room where a cat may occasionally go (although if I can prevent this completely, I will), will this aggitate her, even if she's been recently fed, and if the cat is only briefly in the area?

2- If kept in a room where the avg. temperature is about 68*daytime, 60* night, what is the best way to go about heating her tank, and maintaining a proper and steady temperature gradient from normal to basking (Which I have read to be between 82-85* normal, up to 90* basking daytime, and a 10* drop allowable for night time)? (I'd be buying a 40 gal, and if need be, deviding it until she's big enough that it will be comfortable for her.)

3- She has been fed only on prekilled, thawed rodents, which I plan on continuing to do if I get her. I know some places can order prekilled and frozen rabbits (mostly used for dogs fed on a BARF diet), skinned or furred, customer preference. When she is at a size to consume them, is feeding the prekilled still recommended?

4- If anyone has links on building a custom cage for when she reaches a size that a "normal" tank couldn't handle and would send it to me, either as a reply here or in a PM, I would really appreciate it. (I have a 75 gal. also, and if I get her, when she outgrows the 40 gal. I will probably move her to that tank until it's time for another upgrade.)

I want to be as prepared as I can, so if I decide to get her, I can provide the best care possible for her. If, in my research and with help from the people on this board, I learn that I can't provide the care she needs, I'd very much like to be able to give any potential new owner as much information and guidance as possible. Thanks again for any help given, it is greatly appreciated!
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Kid Dragon

Old Timer
Feb 22, 2005
I have a red-tailed boa. Here are a few answers to some of your questions.

1. Since your cat doesn't taste/smell like a mouse the boa won't be annoyed by the cat's odor. When your boa gets between 9-12 feet, I would not have them play together.

2. I use a heat lamp with a ceramic bulb.

3. When she gets big you can feed her pre-killed rats, you'll never NEED rabbits. Pre-killed is better because freezing kills parasites, and the boa won't get bit by the rodent.

4. You won't need a very large cage for a while yet. However, when your boa gets over 6 feet, its time to start thinking about that. I built a 8x4x4 cage for my 8 foot boa.

Other things I can think of are:

*Boas get big and scary. When you stop handling them, they can get more aggressive. You need one adult person for every five feet of boa. Example: 1-5 feet of boa one person, 6-10 feet of boa two people, 11 feet plus 3 people.

*Keep boas and pythons separate because of boaid encephalitis.

*Resist power feeding, enjoy your boa while its small, and keep it that way as long as possible.

*They are beautiful snakes, but ball pythons, rat snakes, and kingsnakes make better long term pets for most people.
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Old Timer
Aug 12, 2005
I'm going to clarify this *Resist power feeding, enjoy your boa while its small, and keep it that way as long as possible.* You dont want to maintenance feed, at this age it can be fed an appropriately sized rodent every 5-7 days and when it gets larger every 7-10 days.


Old Timer
Jan 18, 2004
You could build a custom cage or buy one. I like to buy them just because then you don't have to mess with all the heating elements to make sure your hot spots are correct. I use Boaphile myself. I keep argentine boas which are like the red tails except their charcoal black and white. Prekilled is the best option I think. They do not seem to be as aggressive at feeding time if its prekilled. We have an inside cat as well and it never bothers them, but when I have the snakes out I make sure the cat is put up somewhere. Just in case.