Colour variations in leaf insects


Dec 7, 2020
I previously had some bramble issues and one leafie with a fungal infection but I was cleaning them out roughly two weeks ago were I noticed one of my Phyllium Phillippinicum leafies had changed to a very bright yellow. They're roughly L3 and were previously green like all the others were only now she's quite pale and a very funky mix of yellow and green. She also looked like she was male (very pointy, triangular tail) until she'd been L3 for a while.

When I noticed the colour change she was on and had been eating a yellowed leaf but isn't showing and signes of illness and doesn't look like she's slowing down. I know other leaf species can have colour variants but can't find a lot about it for Phyllium Phillippinicum. I've attatched a photo of her so you can see what I mean, is this anything to worry about? All other leafies in the enclosure look like they're doing fine and are still green. Could she have just picked up some yellow from the leaf she ate? 20210103_222500.jpg

The Snark

Dumpster Fire of the Gods
Old Timer
Aug 8, 2005
I had one visiting the dashboard of my jeep once. Looked like pure anti evolution. About 2 1/2 inches nose to afterburner and an eyewatering yellow green like they paint emergency response vehicles. Made me think it was carrying an EAT ME sign Then up in the area I call butterfly valley I saw dozens more. Step back 5 feet and it becomes invisible like some illusionist's magic trick. Vanishes into the background while you are staring at it.


Dec 7, 2020
I had one visiting the dashboard of my jeep once. Looked like pure anti evolution. About 2 1/2 inches nose to afterburner and an eyewatering yellow green like they paint emergency response vehicles. Made me think it was carrying an EAT ME sign Then up in the area I call butterfly valley I saw dozens more. Step back 5 feet and it becomes invisible like some illusionist's magic trick. Vanishes into the background while you are staring at it.
Their camouflage skills still shock me, we have 8 in the current enclosure and on a good day I can only spot one or two and then I mist them and the whole enclosure comes alive, they all start shaking. I'm amazed every time


Dec 7, 2020
Update on this girl, she's doing absolutely fine and is now mostly green again. Still not sure what caused it but she's molted, eating and moving just fine so I'll assume it was just "one of those things"