Can anyone show me pics of some roaches with brilliant colors? I saw one on the cover of a roach book but couldn't find its name, which is what inspired me to ask this.
Panchlora nivea, Gyna lurida "yellow," Gromphadorhina grandidieri "Tiger," Eurycotis decipiens, Rhyparobia maderae "goldii," Deropeltis paulinoi, Blaberus craniifer, Ophistoplatia orientalis, Elliptorhina javanica, Neostylopoyga rhombifolia, Therea sp. There are a few good ones.
**NOTE- The ones on the cover of the current edition of the Allpet roach book are a female Deropeltis paulinoi (in the hobby) and a Paratropes sp. (not in the hobby.)
This is a photo of one of my old B. dubia females. For some reason she was the brightest little (dubia) roach I ever saw. I did over-saturate the colours a bit to intensify the effect.
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