colorado river toad

Pickled Peter

Sep 9, 2009
Hi everybody. :D
Iv been thinking about getting a knew pet to keep in my room at student halls. I was wondering if anyone knows much about the Colorado river toad.

I am looking to discover what sized tank would be suitable for this animal and what items would be needed in it such as substrate etc.. In addition I am already aware of the toxic secretions that the toad can secrete however i would like to know if there are any drawbacks to keeping these animals such as noises or smells.I am unfamiliar to keeping amphibians as pets and any info on keeping this animal as a pet is very much welcome.


Old Timer
Aug 17, 2005
Hi, keeping this species is illegal to do, so essentially you are requesting information on a public forum in how to partake in an illegal activity. Its no big mystery why people want to keep these....

Pickled Peter

Sep 9, 2009
I live in the UK and I'm pretty sure they,re not illegal over here. I mainly wan one just as a pet the fact that they release a hallucinatory substance doesn't matter to me so much.


Old Timer
Sep 12, 2008
I lived here in Vegas, and one of local pet store has tons for sale, all sizes. I assumed its not illegal here.
If I were you Id get an african bullfrog or pyxie frog. They get huge and looks a lot cooler imo.

Pickled Peter

Sep 9, 2009
:wall: Ive decided I want a colorado river toad. Can someone please give me info on housing these animals


Old Timer
Sep 22, 2008
well i have a buddy who did keep one, before he relized they were illegal. he had it in a 40 gallon long, he used a false bottom setup. and a lrge hide.

and im not codoning in the illegal activities of this frog, but i will say they get huge! and last i knew it was 2 feloneys for keepingthis animal.

1. for keeping an illegal species
2. for manufacture/harvest of a class 1 psycodelic compound 5 meo- DmT
3. also i was told his species was or is now endagered....not sure if thats true. but i dont care. i like freedom!:clap:


Old Timer
Feb 22, 2007
The thing with living in the United States is that, well, at least theoretically, we live in self governing states. Just because B. alvarius is illegal in some states doesn't make it illegal in others. Harvesting the bufotenin like a junky is another issue.
Check state laws, but for the most part, keeping them is legal. Just don't be a hippy toolbag and expect to trip out after tossing the toads salad.


Old Timer
Sep 22, 2008
interesting....its acually not illegal to keep as long as you dont intend to "milk" it.

[edit]Venom and U.S. lawThe toad's primary defense system are glands that produce a poison that may be potent enough to kill a grown dog.[1]These parotoid glands also produce the 5-MeO-DMT [2]and bufotenin for which the toad is known; both of these chemicals belong to the family of hallucinogenic tryptamines. The presence of these substances in the skin and poison of the toad produces psychoactive effects when smoked.[3]Bufotenine is a Schedule I controlled substance in the U.S. While possession of the toad is not a crime in itself (in Arizona, U.S.A., one may legally bag up to ten toads with a fishing license), it could constitute a criminal violation if it can be shown that one is in possession of this toad with the intent to milk and smoke its venom.[4]In November 2007, a man in Kansas City was arrested and charged with possession of a controlled substance when police discovered B. alvariustoad poison in his possession.[5][6]It should also be noted that none of the states in which B. alvariusis (or was) indigenous - California, Arizona, and New Mexico - legally allow a person to remove the toad from the state. For example, the Arizona Department of Game and Fish is clear about the law in Arizona: "An individual shall not... export any live wildlife from the state; 3. Transport, possess, offer for sale, sell, sell as live bait, trade, give away, purchase, rent, lease, display, exhibit, propagate... within the state..."[4]In California, B. alvariushas been designated as "endangered" and possession of this toad is illegal as per "The Official California Code of Regulations, Title 14. Natural Resources Division 1., Subdivision 1., Chapter 5., § 40. General Provisions Relating to Native Reptiles and Amphibians. (a) General Prohibition It is unlawful to capture, collect, intentionally kill or injure, possess, purchase, propagate, sell, transport, import or export any native reptile or amphibian, or part thereof..."[7]In New Mexico, this toad is listed as "threatened" and, again, taking B. alvariusis unlawful.[8][9


Old Timer
Feb 22, 2007
Oh man, here in Arizona, especially closer to Tucson, you can barely walk around in some parts without nearly squashing one of these fatties. That is, during monsoon season.
I am considering keeping one again, but they just need way too much room. I prefer the sedentary lifestyles of Pyxies. However, if I do keep one again, a 40 breeder with a lot of soil will do it.


Old Timer
Apr 19, 2007
Bufo alvarius is illegal to keep in the states it occurs naturally, it is legal to kill in arizona (with a fishing licence, 10 bag per day) but not keep, sell, trade, give away.
california considers it to be endangered.
None of these legal factors have anything to do with the chemical makeup of the animal, they are game infractions.

I believe it's legal to posess everywhere else, and the drug scheduling does not effect the keeping of this animal provided it cannot be proven it is being used for such.

technically, its the Bufotenin that is the scheduled substance federally, the "5-MeO-DMT " (the psychadellic) is only even sculed. under state law in nebraska, oklahoma, and south dakota.

all true toads secrete bufotenin.

5-MeO-DMT is illegal in some countries, but it is perfectly legal to possess the animal, just as it is perfectly legal to have a human brain, which contains dopamine and DMT, two illegal scheduled drugs.


Old Timer
Feb 22, 2007
It was my understanding that it was legal to keep B. alvarius in Arizona, as it is legal to keep native Rattlers (except the protected species). You just need a small game license.


Old Timer
Apr 19, 2007
well i have a buddy who did keep one, before he relized they were illegal. he had it in a 40 gallon long, he used a false bottom setup. and a lrge hide.

and im not codoning in the illegal activities of this frog, but i will say they get huge! and last i knew it was 2 feloneys for keepingthis animal.

1. for keeping an illegal species
2. for manufacture/harvest of a class 1 psycodelic compound 5 meo- DmT
3. also i was told his species was or is now endagered....not sure if thats true. but i dont care. i like freedom!:clap:
Just wanted to point out that,
1. It is not an illegal species (to posess) in all but 3 states.
2.manufacture/harvest entails some refinement for human consumption or sale, and must be proven beyond resonable doubt. And 5 meo- DmT is only scheduled in 3 states, the Scheduled chemical in question would make ALL toads illegal by this logic. even so, unrefined and unusable, it does not (anywhere in the world) legally qualify as either bufotenin or 5 meo- DmT unless intent to refine can be proven.
3. It is threatened in many populations by habitat destruction, something the laws do not protect it from.

If you want the toad, get one, take good care of it, do not buy into the hysteria.
It is an awesome animal. Do not be foolish with it and get your friends stoned, that is a good way to actually make it illegal.


Old Timer
Apr 19, 2007
It was my understanding that it was legal to keep B. alvarius in Arizona, as it is legal to keep native Rattlers (except the protected species). You just need a small game license.
nope, a small game licence only entitles you to kill the animal for sport.
you cannot keep it as a pet, or sell, breed, propigate, display, trade, give away, sell, offer for sale, transport, blah blah blah ANY game or non-game species in that state.


Old Timer
Feb 22, 2007
nope, a small game licence only entitles you to kill the animal for sport.
you cannot keep it as a pet, or sell, breed, propigate, display, trade, give away, sell, offer for sale, transport, blah blah blah ANY game or non-game species in that state.

Then all 9,684 people that I've known who keep rattlesnakes as pets here in Arizona must have been misinformed about our laws.... I'm a bit skeptical.
Every game and fish worker I talked to and every person from the herpetological association that I have talked to has said what I have.


Old Timer
Apr 19, 2007
the Arizona state laws regulating game, specifically amphibians and reptiles can be found here.

the specific information that details the prohibition of keeping live wildlife outside the feild is section R12-4-402. The exceptions to this code are defined under Arizona Revised Statutes, Title 3, chapter 16, pertaining to licensed persons engaged in state-monitored aquaculture. This does not extend to hobbiests collecting rattlesnakes or other herps.

I was mistaken reguarding the licensure entiteling the holder to kill the animals for sport, it also entitles them to catch the animals alive and hold them in the feild. however, taking them home, or transfering them between habitats would violate R12-4-402.

It's not the clearest set of laws, but it is a state law.

9,684 people eh? and they actually live in the state... immagine that, all it took was checking and a Canadian like me knows more than almost ten thousand points of anecdotal Arizona law! ;)

never trust anecdotal representations of the law.

Pickled Peter

Sep 9, 2009
I dont care what the laws are in states of America pleas just help me to figure out how to look after the things.


Old Timer
Feb 22, 2007
the Arizona state laws regulating game, specifically amphibians and reptiles can be found here.

the specific information that details the prohibition of keeping live wildlife outside the feild is section R12-4-402. The exceptions to this code are defined under Arizona Revised Statutes, Title 3, chapter 16, pertaining to licensed persons engaged in state-monitored aquaculture. This does not extend to hobbiests collecting rattlesnakes or other herps.

I was mistaken reguarding the licensure entiteling the holder to kill the animals for sport, it also entitles them to catch the animals alive and hold them in the feild. however, taking them home, or transfering them between habitats would violate R12-4-402.

It's not the clearest set of laws, but it is a state law.

9,684 people eh? and they actually live in the state... immagine that, all it took was checking and a Canadian like me knows more than almost ten thousand points of anecdotal Arizona law! ;)

never trust anecdotal representations of the law.

Well, I'll have to look into it, but I haven't heard of keeping non-protected rattlers as illegal. I've worked in the reptile business here, and most the people I worked with, including members of the AHA who take ceased animals keep rattlers privately, and to my knowledge, it was legally.
I'll call the state to clarify. Either way, I doubt they'll crack down on it too much.


Old Timer
Feb 22, 2007
I just talked to a person from AZ Game and Fish, they said the bag limit is 4, and that is live or dead, at home or in the field. As long as they are not the one of the 4 protected species.


Old Timer
Dec 25, 2007
The OP says he lives in the UK, so all the talk about US laws are irrelevent. Do some research on the Sonoran Desert and make an enclousure that will amtch it as close as you can. I believe they like to borrow as well. So you might want to provide a lot of substrte. I hope this helps a little. I've never kept this species, but that's what I would do.



Old Timer
Feb 22, 2007
AzJohn is right. They are earth movers. Get a big tank, and fill it with a mix of peat type soil, and desert type soil. Keep a large water source available, and clean.