cleaning up after baby (cockroaches)


Dec 5, 2005
hi all-

after nine months of waiting (they might as well be humans), my hissers finally gave birth; three females in one week, in fact! i'm thrilled, but also had a few questions. here they are, in order of importance:

- how the hell do i clean their enclosure now? it was no big deal to remove a few dozen big adults by hand, then sweep and scrub out the container... but hundreds of delicate, tiny babies kind of complicates the proposition.
just to be extra-difficult, the little buggers (pardon the bad pun) refuse to cling to the eggcrate like their parents, or the adults and juveniles of the giant cave and lobster roaches they share living space with... which would make it easy to remove all (or at least most) of them. instead, they seem to prefer hanging out on the plastic "floor" itself, necessitating very careful, one-at-a-time removal. if anyone has learned any handy tricks for dealing with this, i'd love to hear about it.

- one of the mother roaches died in childbirth. she pushed out all the babies (who seem healthy) in what appeared to be the normal fashion, but then continued to push out... a lot of other stuff. it wasn't the remains of an ootheca, and insects obviously don't have placentae... to my admittedly untrained eye, it looked like actual tissue and organs and blood, and there was a great deal of it. she died within a day. can anyone explain this, or how to prevent it in the future?

-finally, i seem to have one "peter pan" roach. i got the whole colony as nymphs more than a year ago, and all of them matured in the standard six months... except for this little guy (or girl). it's well over a year old now, but is stuck at what looks like the third or fourth instar (about the size of an adult lobster roach). it seems perfectly happy, but just isn't growing up. and i'm sure it isn't just growing very slowly: it kept pace with the others for the first few moults, but then just stopped completely at the third; it hasn't shed for around ten months. is neotony (or paedomorphia... i can never keep the two straight) very common in hissers?



Dark Raptor

Old Timer
Oct 18, 2004
owen_mitch said:
- one of the mother roaches died in childbirth. she pushed out all the babies (who seem healthy) in what appeared to be the normal fashion, but then continued to push out... a lot of other stuff. it wasn't the remains of an ootheca, and insects obviously don't have placentae... to my admittedly untrained eye, it looked like actual tissue and organs and blood, and there was a great deal of it. she died within a day. can anyone explain this, or how to prevent it in the future?
"A new form of maternal provisioning of newly hatched nymphs is described in the ovoviviparous cockroach Gromphadorhina portentosa. Shortly after expelling the hatching egg case, the female exudes from her abdominal tip a whitish, translucent material on which neonates actively feed. Integumentary gland cells lining the brood sac are the most likely source of the secretion. This form of maternal provisioning may not be restricted to the Madagascar hissing cockroach; a glandular brood sac similar to that of G. portentosa is found in at least three additional ovoviviparous cockroaches."

Abstract taken from:
A New Mode Of Parental Care In Cockroaches, J. Perry - & c. a. nalepa, DOI: 10.1007/s00040-003-0665-5, Aug. 2003


Dec 5, 2005

very interesting, thanks for the response. the mass of gunk my female exuded was neither whitish nor translucent... it was brownish, opaque, contained a good deal of solid structure (bubbles, coils, membranes, etc.), and amounted to a significant fraction of her body mass. however, the other roaches -- of all ages and species, not just her own newborn nymphs -- did feed on it enthusiastically, and i think this 'maternal provisioning' is probably the explanation (although it obviously went horribly wrong for this poor individual). thanks darkraptor.


Old Timer
Nov 23, 2005
Maybe if you postpone the cleaning for so long that the youngsters molt the first time, then they`ll start clinging to the crates like all decent roaches do? ;)


Old Timer
Feb 27, 2005
Just don't worry about cleaning. Give them a soil substrate, maybe with crushed wood and other debris and just let their waste join that. It doesn't bother them and I don't recall hissers having a bad odor or anything.