Chromatopelma cyaneopubescens building her nest!!!! Lots of pics.


Old Timer
Jul 28, 2007
Well many of you know that my big GBB girl is gravid. She has made great use of my designed enclosure. Now that it looks like shes getting close, i figured I will announce my details.
Heres when I got her at .75" Her name is Destiny.

When she was about 3" I made her what would be the first of several custom enclosures. It started out as a question and ended up being a habitat.

It was designed to be her permanent enclosure and included ideas for her to breed and living in general. Well 2 years later, Early September 2009 I saw her do a drumming action with her pedipalps but I didn't have any males. Strangely enough that was my cue to search for a male. Here is a picture the night before the introduction. I fed her heavily everyday for a week prior. Here she is stuffing her face!

Meet Fabio

September 17, 2009 at 3:30pm he was introduced and got the job done at 4:30. He escaped her anger but insertion was 100% succesful. Here is Fabio making his entrance saying hello. I wanted it as natural as posible. Like if he wandered into her domain.

What I did was place the enclosure in the garage where there would be silence and limited disturbance. I sprayed the doors of the enclosure and sprayed all around the OUTSIDE of the enclosure to raise the humidity. Temps were around 85F and humidity was 65%-70%.
Heres a video of her drumming and his response. She called him to her and never left her cave. She knew or sensed his prescense as soon as he entered the enclosure. He entered through the top as I wanted him to "make" an appearance. The deed was done at the entrance of the cave.
It was an unforgettable experience and was better than attending any theme park{D

Just as in the videos from Talkenlate, after insertion she raised her abdomen and was scatching her spermathecae.
One week later I reintroduced Fabio but she had no interest. She faced him but he kept avoiding her and she looked like she was going to attack.
Here she is in the pose that made me decide not to risk it.

So I decided to see what happens. I felt one insertion *should* be enough. She began to feed heavily in the weeks that followed and became real agressive towards anything that came into the tank (Except roaches:wall: ). She is a picky eater and would only accept crickets. She would eat 3-4 at a time once or twice a week.
I flooded a section of the enclosure and kept the humidity up in the 70% range. It was not a heavy flood. just enough to moisten the substrate (Spahgnum peat moss). She moved in different spots but noticed she became interested in one spot inparticular. Where I flooded. So I removed the water dish and started to give her water via glass doors. One night she was on the door and I ran and got my flashlight and did the famous flashlight trick. She glowed a hue of yellow. {D
Here she is when she decided to stop feed early November. Very gravid!:eek:

Here she is in her favorite spot. The moist zone.

She started preparing for something. She started to redecorate. And this morning saw this!

She always had a habit to rip up the moss and put it in her webs. Well all the moss in that area is now on the walls :D If you look closely, you will see that the moss under the hygrometer is now gone and placed towards the front on the door.:p
I now continue to spray the right side glass door to maintain humidity and I no longer need to flood for fear of causing mold. There is plenty of ventillation so misting is done 4 times a week. I never lock the doors so that I can easily open it without disturbing. The right side door is now webbed with her nest so that door can no longer be opened. She is super defensive now and she has never been that way before.

I am super excited. I will keep this thread updated. The best part is that she chose the perfect spot for me. I have total access to her there but she also has total access to me:eek: {D

I am also glad that she got to live this experience. She can now be complete in her "Destiny"


Old Timer
Jan 11, 2009
That is awesome! Good luck getting a viable sac! (and sign me up for a sling or two ;) )


Old Timer
Jun 29, 2007
Nice, love to see GBB success stories. Keep us up-dated.



Old Timer
Dec 9, 2008
Aw, what a cute story -- sounds like you're perfect for each other! Best of luck:D she is absolutely beautiful!

x Mr Awesome x

Old Timer
Jul 15, 2009
Very nice man! That was even fun to read! Can't wait for that sac to drop. I'm gonna get a couple of those little guys from you!



Old Timer
Aug 6, 2008
Excellent thread and photographs! Thanks for posting!! :)


Old Timer
Jul 28, 2007

I had to mist so i go to open the right side door to spray it and throw alittle water on the ground to raise the humidity and she gave me the threat.
She is really mean now! Of course she never withdraws her fangs. As soon as she does this I quickly leave her alone so that she does not get stressed. I don't want her to feel its not a safe place to make her nest.
You can also see how nice she made her nest. It now has walls all around her but the top is still open. She even sealed off the entrance to her cave by dragging her web mat that she previously made inside and placing it in a mound to create a wall. I guess she will no longer be coming out of this nesting area. Its a good thing I have full view!



Old Timer
Jul 28, 2007
I got her 8-10-2007 She was my first and only GBB. I got real lucky with her turning out to be Female. She has always been a sweetheart. Never flicked or threat posture.....until now.


Old Timer
Jul 28, 2007
Well She pulled an all nighter last night. Started to do some webbing at 8pm and at 8 am the next morning this is what was accomplished.

Now its gonna be hard to see her but I can see a little bit. I want to make sure I know when she makes the sac so I can determine when to pull it. I'm still trying to maintain a 70%+ humidity in there with misting. I am going to cover the top vent holes to help keep humidity in.


Old Timer
Jan 25, 2009
i love GBBs.
good luck with the future sac and babies!


Old Timer
Jan 11, 2009
How exciting! I am lovin the play-by-play you're providing! keep up the good work :)


Old Timer
Jul 28, 2007

Well I came home to exciting news. I found my girl lost alot of weight and got her faboulous figure back with no stretch marks! :D

I'm going to post a short vid. I saw her this morning making a really thick white mat and she is now skinny and making a really white thick layer over the eggs.

Wow they really work hard!


Old Timer
Nov 10, 2007
Well I came home to exciting news. I found my girl lost alot of weight and got her faboulous figure back with no stretch marks! :D

I'm going to post a short vid. I saw her this morning making a really thick white mat and she is now skinny and making a really white thick layer over the eggs.

Wow they really work hard!
They really do work hard, lots of silk!!!


Old Timer
Jul 28, 2009
Well I came home to exciting news. I found my girl lost alot of weight and got her faboulous figure back with no stretch marks! :D

I'm going to post a short vid. I saw her this morning making a really thick white mat and she is now skinny and making a really white thick layer over the eggs.

Wow they really work hard!
Very exciting! Can't wait to see the vid (and more pics if you can!).


Old Timer
Jul 28, 2007
Heres my video. She is still webbing. Since I can't open the door due to her webbing her nest with the door, I had to film through the glass. I shined a dim flashlight to get a view of her through her webs. You can see her working through the web. Seeing this much of a view is a treat for me either way. (even though its not totally clear)
You can see enough to notice her abdomen has shrunken quite a bit. She is so graceful and careful as she covers the eggs.
Truly a sacrifice on her part as I will end up taking them from her. Thats going to kill me doing that.:eek:
Watch in full screen to see her better.


Heres my full report till today on mating my GBB.
Her legspan is 5.5" - 6". She is over 2 years old.

Mating attempt September 17, 2009 3:30pm
Successful insertion witness at around 4:30pm
Male escaped unharmed.
Desire was raising abdomen and scratching area.

Temps were 85F and the humidity was 65-70%.
I misted from the outside of the enclosure so make the air around the enclosure moist. The plexy top was also sprayed from the outside. I did not want to disturb them.

Drumming was instant.

Second mating attempt September 26, 2009 Male was reintroduced. No response from female though she turned to face him. Male was avoiding her the whole time trying to escape. Removed male 30 minutes later.

September 29, 2009. Partially flooded an area in the tank to raise humidity.
Heavy feeding started in Late September 2009.

October 17, 2009 Abdomen is large and round. Continue keeping the humidity around high 70%.
November 2, 2009 Abdomen is really large and she has stop feeding. Very defensive behavior. Attacks and Kills anything in tank but does not eat. Any disturbance gives the threat posture.
November 10, 2009 She has started constructing a nest. Created a circular wall all around her.
November 11, 2009 Continued to construct nest and has fully enclosed herself in her nest.
November 12, 2009 8am Was found layering a bed of silk. Abdomen still large.
2pm Abdomen was small and found layering a bed of silk over eggs.
4pm Started to roll the bed into a sac.
Last edited:


Old Timer
Jan 11, 2009
Awesome!! Good luck with the sac! I don't envy you havin' to take it from her, that's for sure :(


Old Timer
Nov 10, 2007
Heres my video. She is still webbing. Since I can't open the door due to her webbing her nest with the door, I had to film through the glass. I shined a dim flashlight to get a view of her through her webs. You can see her working through the web. Seeing this much of a view is a treat for me either way. (even though its not totally clear)
You can see enough to notice her abdomen has shrunken quite a bit. She is so graceful and careful as she covers the eggs.
Truly a sacrifice on her part as I will end up taking them from her. Thats going to kill me doing that.:eek:
Watch in full screen to see her better.


Heres my full report till today on mating my GBB.
Her legspan is 5.5" - 6". She is over 2 years old.

Mating attempt September 17, 2009 3:30pm
Successful insertion witness at around 4:30pm
Male escaped unharmed.
Desire was raising abdomen and scratching area.

Temps were 85F and the humidity was 65-70%.
I misted from the outside of the enclosure so make the air around the enclosure moist. The plexy top was also sprayed from the outside. I did not want to disturb them.

Drumming was instant.

Second mating attempt September 26, 2009 Male was reintroduced. No response from female though she turned to face him. Male was avoiding her the whole time trying to escape. Removed male 30 minutes later.

September 29, 2009. Partially flooded an area in the tank to raise humidity.
Heavy feeding started in Late September 2009.

October 17, 2009 Abdomen is large and round. Continue keeping the humidity around high 70%.
November 2, 2009 Abdomen is really large and she has stop feeding. Very defensive behavior. Attacks and Kills anything in tank but does not eat. Any disturbance gives the threat posture.
November 10, 2009 She has started constructing a nest. Created a circular wall all around her.
November 11, 2009 Continued to construct nest and has fully enclosed herself in her nest.
November 12, 2009 8am Was found layering a bed of silk. Abdomen still large.
2pm Abdomen was small and found layering a bed of silk over eggs.
4pm Started to roll the bed into a sac.
Very nicely done!! :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: